Saturday, July 13, 2024

Quiroga - 380


Human consciousness, a fearsome mystery for modern science, which is still unaware of it, is nothing more than the replica of the very functioning of the Universe, which is a colossal intelligent organism dedicated systematically, in infinite and infinitesimal dimensions, to elaborating the pertinent connections that bring together everything that, on the surface, seems to have nothing to do with anything.

Here on Earth we call it love, even though it is consciousness, and even though from its work we can only feel the emotion that takes us to the heights of glory that results from reconnecting with something or someone, and that experience seems to be intimate. and personal, in fact it is, technically, the work of consciousness which, by replicating the functioning of the Universe, makes us feel something that is much greater than immediate understanding, because it is not a personal experience of love, but of conscious and cosmic intelligence that systematizes the reconnection of everything and everyone.

So it is that, when we love and feel colossal for loving, this only happens because it is not us who love, but it is love that loves through us, demonstrating to us that our beloved individual consciousness is not so individual after all.

There is not one consciousness for each individual, there is a single cosmic consciousness that through individuals continues to do the work of reconnecting all parts.

A subject that deserves loving reflection, mainly because the Moon is empty on Saturday night, which is when our humanity launches into “crazy life” to continue dispersing consciousness, instead of unifying it.

Nothing against “crazy life”, but the Empty Moon is more conducive to deep reflections than to the dissipation of vital energy.

This moment holds very interesting potential, seeds of a possible and desirable future. However, like any seed, it needs to be cared for and nurtured with care so that it reveals its potential.

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