Thursday, July 18, 2024

Quantum Entanglement




If we can’t visualize it, we can’t create it. Conversely, when we CAN visualize it, we CAN create it.

Quantum entanglement is one of the most thought-provoking and counterintuitive ideas of modern physics. Two particles that are spatially well-separated in the spacetime network display a correlation among their properties and an act of measurement on one of the pairs can affect the other particle instantaneously despite the lack of a communication channel, which is remarkable and bizarre at the same time. Albert Einstein being a skeptic of the idea, referred to entanglement as “Spooky Action at a Distance” even though it was his work that led up to its realization. Entanglement has led to the development of numerous technologies that govern our modern world, like the creation of quantum bits, or qubits, that are essential for quantum computing. Furthermore, there has been a lot of advancement in large-scale quantum communication through satellites and entanglement plays a significant role in the same. In recent work, physicists for the first time have discovered a new way to expedite the process of entanglement creation. This recent breakthrough is a huge advancement for the realms of quantum information science and quantum technology. Not only does it open the possibility of applications in various other scientific domains, but it also holds the promise of pioneering the development of innovative quantum devices thus propelling this field to unprecedented heights. Read our article to learn more - 🔗

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