Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Quiroga - 377


The same scalpel that saves a life is also the one that can be used as a deadly weapon, because human destiny does not depend on the shape or nature of the objects, but on the quality of the subject who uses them.

When we ask ourselves if everything would be written in destiny or if there would be this room for maneuver that we call freedom, without realizing it, deep down we ask if we are subjects or objects of destiny.

Lazy and inert that we are most of the time, it is tempting for us to assume that the destiny of our humanity is the result of the influence of the environment and the circumstantial facts that shape us throughout our existence, but despite this being a half and comfortable truth, which conditions us to be impressionable objects, the other half of the truth consists of being subjects of our own destinies.

However, this other half of the truth is an existential magic that does not happen by itself, none of us becomes the subject of our own destiny by inertia, but as a result of the firm will to stop being nature's playthings and take over the reins of our own destiny.

Again, human evolution does not happen automatically, you need to have good will and practice it every day.

Even if fulfilling your responsibilities does not provide you with any immediate pleasure, it is still preferable to follow this path, rather than being tempted to stray in search of more pleasure.

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