Sunday, July 21, 2024

Quiroga - 388


If our humanity were a little more altruistic, replacing some of its traditional selfishness with respect, cordiality and dignity, then Full Moons would be full of rejoicing, because they are the moments when the most abundant life circulates throughout all the kingdoms of nature.

Selfishness, however, due to its petty nature, systematically and constantly tries to appropriate the most abundant life that passes through our humanity, and as a result of this misappropriation it causes distortions, violence and all types of sexual, moral, psychological and institutional abuses.

It turns out that the most abundant life cannot be accumulated, as selfishness intends, because it only offers its elevation and glory to those people who are minimally willing to transform themselves into channels of fraternal distribution, instead of selfish points of accumulation.

This point of mutation in the orientation of consciousness is within the reach of all people, but it does not reveal itself spontaneously, it needs to be sought, longed for and practiced until it stabilizes as a new and broader form of relationship with life.

No matter how complex the panorama that unfolds in front of you may seem, it is what your soul will need to deal with in the coming times. Therefore, arm yourself with presence of mind and place your bets in the game of life.

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