Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Quiroga - 376


Believing in astrology or not is irrelevant, much less relevant is convincing ourselves that materialistic science is the only one capable of determining what is true, because this attitude, despite appearing rational and opposing the beliefs, into which it would fit Astrology, is still a belief too.

Beliefs are not toxic nor is rationalism poisonous, our humanity is a complete cosmic experience, all the ingredients, objective and subjective, that make up this colossal and intelligent organism that we call the Universe are present in us, we just need to learn how to use all in an integrated way, without falling into the temptation of convincing ourselves that we should exalt some while treating others as fifth-rate elements, because by doing this to ourselves, it is certain that we will also do this to the people we interact with.

Enjoying the complete cosmic experience is the sign of evolution of our humanity, but it turns out that human evolution does not happen automatically, simply because we are born human, nothing like that!

In order for us to evolve as human beings and behave as complete cosmic experiences, we must, at some point, believe in the hypothesis and dedicate our entire lives to proving it, or discarding it.

And this does not depend on greater or lesser intelligence or sensitivity, but on good will.

The wise men of all ages prove the hypothesis and become wise as a result.

Meanwhile, as far as we are from such a degree of wisdom, let us take our time during the Empty Moon to acquire more serenity, giving rest to worries and anguish.

Follow the path of righteousness and everything will be resolved without major side effects, because your soul will be protected from everything wrong that circulates out there, as currency in personal and business relationships.

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