Saturday, July 13, 2024

World Situation

Imminent NESARA Trigger: Worldwide Banks to Shift to Precious Metals, Erasing All Credit Card, Mortgage, and Loan Debts Globally!

The European Central Bank and major banking systems worldwide are on the brink of a seismic shift that will fundamentally alter the global financial landscape. Within four months of the NESARA law’s enactment, these institutions will declare that their currencies are now backed by precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum.

This move signifies the end of fiat currencies and heralds the dawn of a new era where money regains its tangible value. This is just the beginning of a transformation that has been meticulously planned and kept under wraps for years, waiting for the right moment to unfold.

Within two to four years, income tax will be abolished worldwide. This is not a mere promise but a certainty, freeing billions from the unjust burden imposed by corrupt governments. These same corrupt regimes, which have long oppressed their citizens for the benefit of a few elites, will be dismantled and replaced with administrations that serve the people.

This sweeping change is set to take place globally within four years, marking the end of an era of exploitation and the beginning of true governance by the people.

One of the most astounding promises of the NESARA/GESARA law is the cancellation of all bank debts in over 140 countries within a year of its announcement. Imagine a world where your mortgage, car loan, and credit card debts are erased overnight.

This is not a distant dream but an imminent reality. The announcement of NESARA will trigger a series of events leading to a world where peace is declared within a few months, and universal law, akin to constitutional law, is implemented globally within four years.

NESARA is a revolution in every sense of the word. It will pave the way for the deployment and use of free energy devices and other environmentally friendly technologies that will cleanse our atmosphere, soil, and water. This is about more than just money; it’s about creating a world where every person can thrive.

The meticulous planning behind NESARA ensures that every aspect of this grand scheme has been thoroughly researched and developed. The primary goal is to enhance freedom and prosperity for the majority of people worldwide. NESARA’s improvement processes are designed to protect ordinary people’s financial and economic assets, implemented in an orderly and well-managed manner to ensure maximum benefit.

In the United States, banks and credit unions will receive $9,000 per credit card to zero out balances when NESARA is announced. This generous compensation will make debt forgiveness highly profitable for banks, funded by resources accumulated in European banks over the past 20 years, waiting for this moment to be unleashed.

Social welfare funding will see a significant increase a few weeks after the NESARA announcement. All federal government social welfare funds will continue to be paid, with most monthly amounts actually increasing two months after the announcement. Social Security payments, unemployment benefits, social assistance, and pensions will not only continue but will become more substantial.

Approximately 18 months after the NESARA announcement, the first US citizens will begin to receive funds from new prosperity programs based on financial reparations for past government and banking frauds.

These prosperity programs will eventually extend to all people worldwide, liberating them from the constant struggle for survival. For decades, experts have argued that the world has enough wealth to make everyone a millionaire if it were distributed equitably. NESARA aims to rectify this gross inequality.

Vast sums earmarked for humanitarian prosperity programs have been stashed away in European banks for decades, waiting to be distributed. NESARA’s announcement will set the stage for this wealth to be dispersed to people worldwide under new banking and legal conditions.

People’s pensions and investments will remain secure through the NESARA process. Most retirement funds, invested in stock market assets, will not lose value. The stock markets, currency exchanges, and commodity markets will close for a few days post-announcement to manage this global disruption. The world’s top economic and banking experts have devised strategies to handle this transition smoothly.

A price index for goods and services linked to the price of gold will be established post-announcement. Major brokerage firms have already prepared conversion tables for this shift. As gold prices are expected to rise, education on the principles governing the new global economy will commence. Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, has documented 30 hours of classes on the new monetary system, ready to be broadcast after NESARA’s announcement.

One key principle of the new financial management will be living within our means, avoiding long-term debt. With no more monthly payments for credit cards, mortgages, and car loans, and a higher take-home salary due to the abolition of income tax, people will find themselves with significantly more discretionary income.

The Federal Reserve’s facilities and personnel will be integrated into the US Treasury Department, which will then manage the US banking system. New notes, termed “rainbow currency”, will replace Federal Reserve notes.

Income tax payments will cease worldwide, including in the United States, where the IRS will be dismantled. IRS employees will only process refunds, with some transitioning to new roles within the Treasury Department to handle the national sales tax that NESARA will implement.

By eliminating the Federal Reserve System, NESARA will instantly wipe out over 70% of the US national debt, canceling any obligations owed to the Fed. This dramatic reduction in national debt will significantly enhance the country’s financial stability.

NESARA will also bring about significant price reductions. With the new precious metal-backed currency, prices of goods and services will be adjusted downward. For instance, the price of a TV currently costing $350 will drop to $35. The price of gas will plummet from $1.80 per gallon to just 18 cents. This revaluation will apply to all products and services, creating a new economic structure where the value of everything is supported by tangible assets.

During the two months following NESARA’s announcement, people will be paid according to their current salary levels while prices adjust. This period will allow individuals to save discretionary funds, potentially using them as down payments on homes or vehicles once the price reductions take effect.

Post-transition, wages and salaries will maintain their current purchasing power, as all prices will have been adjusted proportionately. This means that despite the dramatic reduction in nominal wages, the real value of earnings will remain unchanged, ensuring stability in people’s living standards.

Retailers and service providers will have two months to adjust to the 90% price reductions. This adjustment will be as simple as moving a decimal point in computerized price databases and updating price tags accordingly. The transition will be seamless, ensuring that by the time the new prices take effect, the economy will be fully adjusted.

NESARA’s announcement is poised to trigger one of the most significant economic transformations in history. It promises a world free from the shackles of debt, with a fairer distribution of wealth and a new financial system based on real, tangible assets.

The meticulous planning and global cooperation behind NESARA ensure that this transition will be smooth and beneficial for all. As the countdown to its announcement begins, the world stands on the brink of unprecedented change. The time for NESARA has arrived, and with it, the dawn of a new age of prosperity, freedom, and peace for all.

For those who have suffered under the tyranny of debt and the oppressive weight of corrupt governments, NESARA represents a beacon of hope. It is the culmination of decades of planning, waiting for the precise moment when the world is ready to embrace true change.

The elites who have hoarded wealth and power, maintaining their stranglehold on the global economy, will find their grip shattered. NESARA is not just a policy; it is a revolution against the entrenched systems that have enslaved humanity for far too long.

Imagine a world where your paycheck is not siphoned off by taxes that line the pockets of the corrupt, where your hard-earned money retains its value, backed by precious metals. A world where financial institutions no longer prey on the vulnerable, but instead, facilitate genuine prosperity. This is the world NESARA promises, and it is within our grasp.

As the NESARA announcement approaches, preparations are already underway to ensure a seamless transition. Economic experts, legal scholars, and banking professionals have spent years developing the frameworks necessary to support this monumental shift. They have left no stone unturned, planning for every eventuality to ensure that NESARA’s implementation is smooth and effective.

The education of the public will be a critical component of this transition. The principles of the new global economy, grounded in transparency and fairness, will be disseminated through news broadcasts and seminars. Alan Greenspan’s detailed lessons on the new monetary system will provide invaluable insight into the workings of this revolutionary financial paradigm.

The transition to a NESARA-backed economy will see an immediate improvement in the quality of life for people worldwide. Freed from the burden of debt, with increased discretionary income and a fairer distribution of wealth, individuals will experience a level of financial freedom previously unimaginable. The abolition of income tax will ensure that more of what people earn stays in their pockets, fueling economic growth and personal prosperity.

This is not a future that lies in the distant horizon; it is imminent. The pieces are in place, the plans are ready, and the announcement is coming. The world is about to witness the most significant transformation in modern history, one that will redefine our understanding of wealth, governance, and freedom.

NESARA is the dawn of a new age. The world stands on the brink of unprecedented change, a change that will usher in a new era of prosperity, freedom, and peace.

As we await the announcement, it is clear that NESARA will not just change the world; it will transform it.

Prepare yourself for a future where justice prevails, where prosperity is shared, and where freedom is truly universal. The time for NESARA has arrived, and with it, the dawn of a new age.


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