Monday, July 01, 2024

Quiroga - 368


Officially, according to the Gregorian calendar, half of the current year is already gone, and another half of our existences are also gone, which are occurring with insufficient reflections on the direction of our civilization, so self-absorbed that we walk with our private problems, convinced of that they are particular despite all the obvious signs that they are the product of collective currents, and if we replaced the pronoun I with We, we would better understand many things that afflict us and, as a result, we would find solutions.

For the pronoun I, desires are always imperative and urgent, but it is not always possible to satisfy them, much less exist solely and exclusively through the satisfaction of desires, and it is in this limitation that civilization begins, the dimension in which, despite we are all desiring subjects who call ourselves I, with inner and private itches that need to be alleviated, we also exist in a collective whose presence is greater, much greater than the private sphere, and which we are obliged to face (under the grumbles of the I ) and to make essential concessions so that there is space and time for everyone, and not just for each of the Selves in particular.

Thus, in addition to going through life, inside and outside, using objects and people to satisfy our desires, as Selves, we also learn to transcend this reality of the I and understand the community of the We, and instead of using the reality particularly to ourselves, We begin to provide service to it, adding something with our presence, instead of just functioning as opportunistic predators, always on the lookout to grab what we consider to be our particular merit.

The room for maneuver to convert dreams into concrete reality is very narrow, and everything produces friction, disagreement and tension, but if this is the natural process, then nothing would deserve any complaint, just adaptation.

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