Thursday, July 18, 2024

Quiroga - 385


Humanity is the only kingdom of nature that does not spontaneously demonstrate its full potential by the mere fact of being born human, because all the others, mineral, vegetable, animal, divine and spiritual, do not spare themselves even for an instant from giving their best; That's why it makes sense to say that humanity needs to be humanized, because as it goes, by inertia, the opposite is happening, dehumanization.

We are complicated, there is no doubt about that, because our evolution does not occur through inertia, we must choose to evolve and dedicate ourselves to doing so by paddling against the inert current that brutalizes us.

All dehumanization has a single cause, selfishness, a tradition so deep-rooted that it seems natural, but it is artificial, because when our humanity is not subjected to moralistic severity nor to current abuses of power and sexual inside and outside families, it develops a peaceful, cordial and loving character, and feels motivated to seek the best within themselves, building relationships of care, respect and dignity.

Our humanity becomes humanized to the same extent that it sees its fellow human beings and those who are different as subjects, and not as objects that can be used and then discarded.

The little that seems to happen on a daily basis is the much that accumulates over time, in good and bad ways. That's why it's so valuable for your soul to dedicate itself to building a healthy and productive routine.

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