Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Quiroga - 112


Take care that during periods of the Empty Moon, fear, with its different facets, does not dig its claws into your stomach and throat, motivating you to do stupid things.

The foundation of the social contracts that structure civilization is trust, and if, through any of these many misadventures that we have invented for ourselves, we end up spending most of our time reasoning around fear, something very wrong is going on, because fear destroys the civilization.

No matter how bad the state of government institutions and their different powers may be, we continue to believe and have confidence that, ultimately, there will be justice when we need it, just as there will be ways to promote the general well-being of our families, but when we begin to believe that we are without any support and that we can only make our way through barbarism with our own means, then we will only have fear left to talk to, and fear will make us violent people, who support a warlike state , admiring the characters with separatist, harmful and violent speeches, imagining that only these types of people can save us.

The only possible salvation is to replace fear with trust.

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