Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Quiroga - 230

 From the ashes comes the spirit

Even though we are ephemeral and no more than dust in the face of the cosmic proportions in which we move and try to be, we still dance with joy and lightness as we seek what also seeks us, so that the infinitesimal that we feel connects with the infinite that we sense, and even if eternity is the only condition to obtain this consciousness, and we feel it distant from our ephemerality, at least for an instant we will comfort ourselves with levitating in infinity, which is our most real and true condition.

Whether we are dust or an infinite spirit is an irrelevant question, because despite our doubts, in some moments cosmic echoes are expressed in our words, or in the spaces of silence between them, and in those moments the eternal spirit emerges from the ashes that we are.

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