A term I use often which especially applies to the New Age movement is 'not everything that glitters is gold'.
I don't think there is a more appropriate statement than this that applies to the chakras!
Its all rainbow colours and lotus flowers and, at least on the surface, these 'beautiful' spinning vortexes couldn't be more downright evil!
Its just yet another inversion of many just as we think bombing entire civilisations will bring peace! 
They use the rainbow colours a lot when they want to indoctrinate the population, it is very powerful to the subconscious, and of course it looks pretty!
To me, I don't even refer to the chakras as the chakras, to me they are simply an AI Implant I liken it to a plug. One of many we have, but for them one of the most important to get people to buy into.
They need you on board with the chakras as I explain in the video below in more detail. But they are one of their MAIN access points to access your energy field. You can watch the video here
Nothing about the chakras make sense and the reason being is because they are not organic to us. They are not meant to be there!
But just like everything else within the New Age they have been expertly packaged and marketed! I often say they have made the most evil thing look the most beautiful. Just typical of them!
If you are interested in clearing these and a whole bunch of other etheric junk check out the links at the bottom of the email. Or reply to this email directly if you have any questions.
Love, care, courage.
Tony Sayers
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