Sunday, November 05, 2023

Quiroga - 131


The epiphanies that happen fleetingly while you are entertained on social media or when you watch films and series, produce real and intense emotions in you, and they are signs of alignment between your soul and your personality, experiences of great importance, even if they happen in moments apparently banal.

So great and impactful is the result of the alignment of your soul and personality, that for a moment it seems to you that the experience that presents itself to you as an entertainment produced by the hand of the work of hundreds of people behind the scenes and those who star in the script of the films is, in fact, an experience that happens to you in particular, that you are the soul who lives what is happening.

This is much more than entertainment, it is an alignment that you could achieve through meditation, but while you don't dedicate yourself to it, at least it happens to you while you are entertained.

Because destiny happens despite us not seeking it, destiny is how things work, and in the human world things work in a continuous search for alignment of the soul and personality.

It would be better if you found this alignment because you intentionally dedicate yourself to it, but since you ignore it, fortunately the alignment does not ignore you.

If you don't go in search of your destiny, your destiny will seek you, but that will also be the difference between the epic of finding your destiny, or the tragedy of destiny finding you.

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