Friday, November 10, 2023

Quiroga - 136


The creative impulse is the foundation of our own humanity, after all, we are the realm of nature in which nature opens itself to new possibilities.

This creative impulse is there all the time, sometimes camouflaged and tamed, at other times explosive and disruptive, but always trying to express itself, with the result that, even when we achieve stability and a certain serenity by existing in comfort and security, we still seek new problems, in the good sense of the word, challenges that allow us to try something new, something different from the usual.

There are no humans more creative than others, the only difference we find in this regard is the frequency with which we seek trouble, in the good or bad sense of the word.

There are people who need new things all the time, they hate repeating themselves, while others prefer repetition, and they never seem to look for trouble, but since the creative impulse is the very basis of our humanity, there comes a day when, even though we are not looking for it, the trouble happens, because something in the soul is receptive and expects it, takes advantage of the opportunity and gets into trouble, in the good sense of the word.

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