Thursday, November 02, 2023

Quiroga - 128


The transfer of self-centered consciousness to group consciousness is an ongoing reality, very inconvenient for religious and political traditions that, regardless of their orientations, are all guided by materialism, the engender of self-centeredness and the producer of all divisions and separatist behaviors in our humanity, regardless of how worthy the justifications people cling to to perpetuate this state of things.

As group consciousness flourishes, the anxiety that the worst should happen, as well as the fear caused by the economy of scarcity, diminish and place the entire civilization in an unknown terrain, inconvenient for the powers that be, because a people without fear is a people who cannot be deceived or dominated.

As materialist mysticism predominates in traditional civilization, we ignore that it is not our human kingdom that directs the evolution of our beautiful and scared planet, and that our most important role in this whole story is as supporting actors, working partners in the spiritual kingdom, which, to become conscious and perceptible, needs us to transfer our self-centered and selfish consciousness to the group consciousness, because the spirit manifests itself in a group, and not individually.

The year 2026 is a definitive inflection point for this transfer of consciousness, which is also, from an institutional point of view, a transfer of power into the hands of people more interested in collective well-being than personal well-being.

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