Monday, November 13, 2023

Quiroga - 139


History, the future and Hollywood films prove that the strong and well-equipped are not always victorious, the archetype of heroism that overcomes the dominance of the strongest and ends up winning them always falls on unlikely, fragile, insecure characters, that are convinced that they have nothing to do with what is happening, they really want to hide from everything and everyone.

The real heroes and heroines of our humanity are the anonymous ones, those who don't even have profiles on social media, the marginalized, not necessarily miserable, because there are marginalized people in rich families too, and they all have something in common, when the strong hide because they don't  know what to do, the unlikely heroes and heroines enter the scene, fully coordinated with what needs to be done, despite internally trembling with fear.

Contrary to this indisputable reality, the education of our humanity is based on exalting competitive strength and hiding from the inevitable weaknesses that every human being has in their structure of being.

And if the world and relationships are, as our modernity says, an extension of our inner life, then we are mistreating our weaknesses too much and giving free rein to the dominance of our competitive strength, forgetting that, at the end of the day when we are alone with our head on the pillow, we don't feel that strong, and we have to, despite this, continue forward, and build our daily heroism on top of our fragility.

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