Tuesday, November 07, 2023

The Choice is Yours


The Choice is Yours

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

The humans are being called to stand in their power, claim their divinity, and truly decide what kind of a future to want for yourselves and your children.

A new world is emerging, with this comes the opportunity for further growth with love and peace, while leaving behind the old ways of life with unpleasant experiences.

Very little time remains before the dominos table collapses.

The higher light entering Earth in these moments are shifting many timelines, from merging, to dissolving others altogether.

The option of keeping things as they are is no longer available.

The choice is yours. Remain closed minded and closed hearted as you sink into deeper chaos and slavery. The other choice is OPEN your HEARTS and welcome the new as you rise and enter into higher realms of light, where peace, prosperity, freedom, and divine discovery are the true normal way of daily life. All the light to You!


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