Saturday, November 11, 2023

Quiroga - 137


You will see and check how much time you waste measuring strengths with your peers and those who are different, with those near and far, trying to position yourself in the world with determination, so that your presence is noticed and never eclipsed by other people who, like you, reproduce the dynamics of competition , all convinced that existing on this beautiful and scared planet is a matter of winning or failing.

You will see and prove, when you dare to practice, that your time is enriched and expanded to the exact extent that you resolve within yourself the misconception that we should compete with each other, and dedicate yourself to experimenting with the construction and preservation of bonds of collaboration and solidarity, which seem like utopia and naivety, but when, through practice and trust, they become habitual, then they happen and flow naturally and spontaneously, proving that competition is not a scientifically proven fact, but a belief, which, like all beliefs, it pulls the sardine to its side and ignores everything else that doesn't fit into it.

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