Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Benjamin Fulford Report: 13.May.2024

 Source: https://benjaminfulford.net/failure-of-who-pandemic-treaty-means-the-sheeple-will-soon-be-released-from-the-human-animal-farm/

Failure of WHO Pandemic Treaty Means the Sheeple Will Soon Be Released From the Human Animal Farm

The white hat victory in the battle for the planet Earth is now becoming obvious in multiple ways. For example, as Reuters reports: “Talks to draw up a global pact to help fight future pandemics have ended without a draft agreement by the expected deadline…the World Health Organization said on Friday.”


We also now confirmed from Pentagon sources that the millions of military-age male illegal immigrants who came into the US since 2021 were brought in to enforce the planned implementation of the (now failed) Khazarian Mafia WHO pandemic treaty. These men will now be rounded up and sent home.  

There are many other signs of KM defeat we will discuss below. The implications of this are far bigger than most people realize. A good metaphor for what is about to happen is the movie “The Island.” In this movie, people were living in an underground bunker and were told they were sheltering from a natural disaster. However, lucky people would be allowed to go soon to an “Island paradise.” The reality is these people were clones whose purpose was to supply organs to rich clientele. Traveling to “The Island” meant organ removal and death. At the end of the movie, the clones were set free to live out their natural lives.

The equivalent is about to happen to all of us. We now live short, miserable lives and are literally worked to death far before our natural lifespans. Soon we will all be free, work 20 hours per week or less and live like millionaires for thousands of years.


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