Friday, May 03, 2024

Quiroga - 309


It would be right, at this moment in the history of civilization, for the owners of the world to stop being children excited about the possibility of testing weapons and causing chaos, and in the name of the possible future for which enlightened humans fight together with the spiritual kingdom, to suspend immediately the arms race they have entered into, before repeating the mistake of the last century.

However, the owners of the world, as always, exist in the certainty of being anointed to orchestrate a geopolitical reorganization that must be conquered by bombings, misery and degradation.

Fortunately, the spiritual realm is a reality that gets involved in our game at the time when, through our ignorance of omission and commission, we approach the abyss, intervening, not to stop wars, because these are decisions that must come from humans themselves who invented them, but to conduct them in such a way that, despite the horrors and abominations that wars bring with them, the spark that makes our humanity continue fighting in favor of a just, peaceful future, which stands out for its cordiality, concord and wise coexistence among all.

There are things that need to be done, whether you like them or not, because they are not about satisfying desires, but about meeting needs that, if procrastinated, would bring countless inconvenient problems.

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