Sunday, May 12, 2024

Quiroga - 318


It is not uncommon that by protecting someone in particular we end up stifling that person's freedom, and this is just a very banal example among those that demonstrate that even the most worthy spiritual virtue, such as protection, can turn into vice and distortion.

It is insufficient to be virtuous, because we interpret virtues through traditions, discipline and adjustment to the rules, however, we know, through practice, that always acting in accordance with the rules of morality is not a guarantee that we are promoting the best of ourselves, much less encouraging the people we interact with to be better too.

Above all moral virtues is wisdom, because without it we can do everything right, according to the manual, but even so without wisdom we lack the divine gaze that grants the grace of discernment, to know when a rule must be followed, and when transgressed.

Learn how to properly use the instruments that are available, because it depends on you making better use of your time, properly organizing periods of productivity and rest as well. That's so.

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