Wednesday, May 01, 2024

QFS in Brazil

There are many people skeptical about the existence of the Quantum Financial System [QFS = Quantum Financial System]. However, the QFS has already been partially operating in Brazil since 2020 through PIX, a free and instant payment method available in all cities in the country, implemented by the Central Bank of Brazil, also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and during every day of the year. The fact that it is FREE shows that Pix is OUTSIDE the control of commercial banks operating in the financial market (interested in profits). The fact that it is INSTANT (takes just a few seconds) and also available in ALL locations in the country, shows that Pix makes use of the Star Link satellite system, led by Elon Musk (who was in Brazil, years ago, to supervise the implementation of this system, during the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro). The next steps of the QFS will involve the complete removal of commercial banks' control over our money and the filling of our current accounts (to be called wallets = digital wallets) with the money related to the theft we were subjected to, for many years, with the use of inappropriate enslaving fees and taxes (this will occur after the announcement of the GESARA/NESARA law).

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