Thursday, May 02, 2024

Remote Geo-fencing your Car


Geo-Fencing Added to Car Software! Can Shutdown Car if you drive too far, too long, or where government doesn't want you!

Vehicle manufacturers have begun issuing software updates which include "Geo-Fencing" to limit how far, how long, or where you will not be allowed to drive.  All done remotely without your consent.

Let's say government want to limit you to driving only five miles from your home. They can remotely issue a command that will cause your vehicle to simply SHUT OFF if you try to go farther than they want!

Let's say government wants to keep you away from certain areas, perhaps a protest area.  They can remotely Geo-Fence that area, and any car that has an "SOS" Button, can be made to SHUT OFF if it tries to drive toward or into that area.

Same topic:

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