Sunday, May 05, 2024



How to Eat Your Low Thyroid Back to Health (7 Best Foods for Less Than $0.50 / Day)


Kinsey Jackson recalls watching in horror as the shower drain swallowed big clumps of her long hair…

Then looking in the mirror, and wanting to cry when she saw the large bald spot on the top of her head.

Kinsey was just 28 years old. One of 17 million American women struggling with a low thyroid.

24 Years Old
42 Years Old

How does renowned women’s health author Kinsey Jackson feel younger, sharper & more confident at 43 than she did at 28? A new science-backed method to EAT away your low thyroid — 7 Best Foods for A Low Thyroid (read below)

The thyroid is a woman’s hormonal “control center.” New research shows women are 9X more likely to have a thyroid disorder than men.

Your thyroid is a small gland in your neck. It affects your weight, energy, hair thickness, digestion, metabolism, monthly cycle, even your ability to “feel happy.”

A discovery by the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine now proves that this organ is often deeply depleted of nutrients in most women.

Harvard Medical School even found that the thyroid controls a woman’s fertility. In other words, if your thyroid isn’t functioning properly, it could be impossible to get pregnant.

Kinsey Jackson

Certified Nutrition Specialist

Kinsey Jackson is a Certified Nutrition Specialist with over 20 years of clinical experience. After obtaining dual degrees in biopsychology & chemistry, Kinsey earned her Master of Science in nutrition from the University of Bridgeport — where she finished #1 in her class.

In a brand-new, trending video, she tells her audience of over 45,000 women:

“If your eyebrows are thinning, if you can’t lose weight, or if you feel dog-tired all the time… these are all signs of a broken, sluggish thyroid. That’s the bad news.

The good news? You can EAT your low thyroid back to health — starting with 7 delicious, affordable foods found in any grocery store.”

If you struggle with daily fatigue, brittle nails, dry skin, low libido, bland mood, or weight gain — your thyroid is likely experiencing a modern phenomenon Kinsey calls “Thyroid Starvation.”


How to Eat Away Your Low Thyroid With 7 Foods That Fit Any Budget

Let’s take a look…

Thyroid-healing Food #7 (Best Nut): Brazil Nuts


Brazil nuts are incredible little immune system boosters. Here’s how they can help heal your thyroid.

The secret of the Brazil nut lies in selenium. Selenium is a mineral our bodies are unable to make on our own. It helps you convert the inactive T4 hormone into the active, usable, form - T3. Selenium also increases our T-cells, which fight infection and protect against cancer.

Kinsey’s suggestion: Eat 1 to 2 of these nuts a day to optimize your thyroid function. They’re surprisingly affordable: at that daily serving size, it’s just $0.27/day.

Pro Tip: combine with #4 below for a sweet treat!

Thyroid-healing Food #6 (Best Fruit): Pears


Remember: pears give you pectin.

What’s pectin? Pectin is a soluble fiber contained in the skin of pears.

Think about it like a fibrous “screen” that filters thyroid toxins. Pectin traps those toxins, and expels them from your body via urine, or poop.

(A promising body of research shows it may even “detox” heavy metals like mercury out of the body.)

Kinsey’s suggestion: try to eat 1-2 pears per week.

Pro Tip: Bartlett pears are typically the most affordable. At $0.99/pear - that’s just $1 or $2 per week!

Thyroid-healing Food #5 (Best Meat): Wild-Caught Salmon


We all know inflammation can quietly spread like wildfire through the body. Unsurprisingly, it can disrupt thyroid function too. That’s why it’s so important to eat foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DPA.

Omega-3’s are important inflammation blockers.

Like Brazil nuts, wild-caught salmon also contain significant amounts of selenium. Not to mention iodine — a vital thyroid production mineral recommended by the American Thyroid Association.

Lastly, with wild-caught salmon, you avoid the nasty mercury common in sushi-cut varieties of tuna.

Kinsey’s suggestion: eat one serving per week.

Pro Tip: while salmon can be pricey, Kroger and Safeway sometimes sell for $6-8/pound. That comes out to $1.50-$2/serving. Want to save even more? Try canned salmon.

Thyroid-healing Food #4 (Best Sweet): Natural Honey


Who said you can’t indulge and fix your sluggish thyroid? Just remember to only buy natural, raw honey — which is rich in thyroid-protecting polyphenols.

Like salmon, natural honey also contains Omega-3 fatty acids that help balance your thyroid’s hormone production.

Kinsey’s suggestion: eat 1 teaspoon of raw, natural honey each morning (or add to your tea/coffee)

Pro Tip: Always read the label, and AVOID any bottle of honey that isn’t 100% honey. If it’s a “honey blend,” or has added corn syrup, don’t touch it!

If you’re interested in hearing what Kinsey’s top 3 best foods for your thyroid are…

Click below to watch her reveal them in her new video.

You’ll also hear Kinsey tell the vulnerable story of her tragic miscarriage — and how she dedicated the next 15 years of her life to studying this life-sustaining organ and the unfortunate truth:

“The standard panel of tests your doctor gives you cannot detect massive deficiencies in this little gland — which is literally STARVED of nutrients.

It’s like trying to peer into the galaxy with a magnifying glass, when what you really need is a telescope.”

That’s why in her controversial new video, Kinsey is revealing a 1-minute at-home test to see if you suffer from “Thyroid Starvation.” It requires no blood work, saliva, or needles.

Kinsey calls this painless test the crown jewel discovery of her emotional healing journey. Today she’ll demonstrate it for you completely free on camera — step-by-step. She also unveils:

A simple morning routine
anyone can use to “reboot” your thyroid in seconds…


And instantly feel a surge of natural energy that lasts long into the evening.

Thousands of women praise this routine for helping them melt away stubborn belly fat, have better sex, regrow hair, and leave friends bewildered with their sudden transformation.

If you’d like to learn more about Kinsey Jackson’s easy “reboot” routine, click right here to watch it.

Lynette A. from New South Wales, Australia thanks Kinsey for her simple routine, and reports having much more energy and feeling better in herself.

Keri H. tried Kinsey’s simple routine, and reports feeling much less achy, sleeping better, and less fatigue throughout the day.

If you suffer from brain fog, sluggish energy, low libido, dry skin, thinning eyebrows, or trouble sleeping… you won’t want to miss a second of Kinsey’s exciting (and somewhat controversial) video presentation.

Given the pushback she’s received from major players in mainstream medicine — who prefer you don’t see Kinsey’s med-free healing routine — there’s no telling how much longer this video will be available online.

You can try out this simple “reboot” routine at home today, so there’s nothing to lose by trying it out…

Yet — as Kinsey’s own story demonstrates — you stand to reclaim potential years of untapped youth — all by following the steps Kinsey lays out on video.

Watch Video

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