Friday, May 24, 2024

Quiroga - 330


The predation on the vulnerabilities of the system in general and individual particularities, this is a behavior that exists in different degrees in our humanity, and these degrees determine the difference between the common person who eventually does not return the extra change he received by mistake, and the which characterizes a professional and hardened criminal.

I would not dare to say that human beings are predators by nature, I advocate in favor of our humanity, it makes no sense to think that planet Earth would be better off without our presence, but there is a certain ignorant consensus of cosmic realities that human beings are human being is a plague, a parasite, and if I here, in these writings, slipped into hate speech against our humanity, it is certain that the statement would raise a chorus in my favor supporting the motion.

However, if I did that I would have to force myself to ignore the reality that there are billions of human beings who are not professional predators, just occasional ones, and look! And there are a few million who are compassionate and who silently dedicate themselves to making life easier for those similar and different.

Human beings are simultaneously capable of protecting vulnerability and also exploiting it, so complex is our humanity!

Telling the truth and not offending is a virtue, not only for those who want to tell the truth, but also for those who have to hear what they would otherwise not want to hear. The truth sets you free, but first you need to mess up the bandstand.

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