Saturday, May 04, 2024

Quiroga - 310


For now, it is not wise to be for or against either side, because both sides feed on the same arms industry. The same.

It would be wise for us all to be against the owners of the economic world who continue to invest in the weapons industry, because if instead of continuing to invent weapons of destruction they dedicated themselves to building instruments to improve living conditions for all human beings on this planet, then, yes, we would have a true historic revolution.

However, the minds of the owners of the world are narrow and self-centered, the maximum amount of social conscience they present takes the form of supporting foundations to give alms to the world that, in due time, they exploit.

Divine Grace, meanwhile, circulates in search of those who invest in a future in which it is unnecessary to manufacture weapons.

Acting and making mistakes will be preferable to sitting on the sidelines, waiting for something to happen without you intervening. The time is for action, if you dare to take initiatives, you will see that no matter how bad the result is, it will be good.

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