Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Quiroga - 307


For the future to be reasonable and beneficial for the greatest possible number of human beings on this planet, here and now, in gerund, our humanity needs to get out of the bemused state of entertainment in which it finds itself, which would not be reprehensible, were it not that while we look on the other hand, while entertaining us, the “owners of the world” offend us with threats of war.

You don't need to be guilty of entertainment, but take care that this is not the most important thing, focusing on what is at stake today, without, however, getting entangled in conspiracy theories that delude you that you would have contact with revelations, and that if you published conspiracies you would add something important, but conspiracy theories are just another type of entertainment that distracts you from getting involved in the collective construction of a better civilization than the current one.

The fate of the planet is on the table, and this state of affairs draws the attention of the spiritual realm, because when our humanity approaches the abyss of desecrating universal procedures, the spiritual realm makes its intervention.

Our humanity is ignorant enough to pretend to consolidate, here on Earth, the distorted functioning that life should exclusively benefit a few to the detriment of the many, and at some moments in History it seems to come so close to achieving this unholy success that it becomes difficult to trust that everything is going well, however, on the edge of the precipice, when our humanity can no longer resolve the imbroglio it invented, then the spiritual kingdom intervenes in the game.

Blessed be this procedure!

You have your way, and life also has its own way of acting, in the name of guiding you in the best possible direction, which is not always the one you would like. Everything can be even better than your desires.

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