Monday, May 20, 2024

Quiroga - 326


All human beings are powerful presences, but we are also vulnerable, and depending on the influence of circumstances and the content of our willpower, vulnerability can be exposed and even become consolidated, exposing all the signs that are inevitably noticed by other people.

The question that remains is, what reaction will we have to vulnerability, both our own and that of others?

Our reaction will define the amount of compassion or hostility that vulnerability provokes in us, and the type of character we build throughout our lives.

So, now carefully observe, without masks, your relationship with vulnerability, to check how much love humanity inspires in you or how much you allow yourself to fall into the temptation of being a predatory presence of the diverse vulnerabilities that plague our humanity.

This observation needs to be sincere, unconfessable, and not a mask.

Would you protect vulnerability from all predatory looks and desires? Or would you be a predatory presence that takes advantage of vulnerability to take advantage, or even harm the vulnerable person?

In every human being there is this dilemma, which is constant, and the way in which the dilemma is resolved determines whether the person in question will be a predator or whether he will, minimally, contribute to protecting vulnerabilities, for the simple reason that every existence is sacred, and that the Life of our lives manifests itself equally in the privileged and the vulnerable.

After all, we are all strong and vulnerable simultaneously.

Life, with its eternal mysteries, solves what our rationality would condemn to eternal fire. The more you confidently surrender to these mysteries, the more benefits you will reap along the way.

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