Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Quiroga - 334


If, through these cosmic missteps that eventually occur, all of our humanity developed together, and at the same time, the gift of telepathy, which for now lies dormant in the overwhelming majority, the first reaction would be a shock, because of the destruction of our beloved rights to privacy and to anonymity, in addition to all modesty no longer having meaning ipso facto; and we would also lose the right to point accusing and wagging fingers to elaborate moralistic sermons, because it would become evident that all of us, without exception, hide some corpses in the closet and, losing the right to accuse others, we would have to declare a general and unrestricted amnesty for all the sins that we have hidden for so long from each other, it would be canceled.

A web of social relationships without culprits is unimaginable to us. What would we do without having a Judas to work on and to whom we transfer what we prefer to keep hidden?

Telepathy is the revelation of our most realistic state of being, which reveals the exaggerations of individualism by opening our perception to the dimension where everything and everyone exists in communion.

As long as we do not develop telepathy and understand, by perceiving, the reality of communion, we do not have peace or serenity or, much less, understanding love in our souls, but the resentment that embitters our hearts with a type of artificial solitude, an existential dungeon which has an open door and which we can leave whenever we want, but we don't.

The initial shock would be followed by the construction of a better and peaceful world.

The current moment is very dynamic, so don't get caught up in repeating the way you manage your routine, because there will most likely be unexpected conditions that you can accept or resist. Better accept it.

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