Friday, May 10, 2024

Quiroga - 316


If in your reasoning, while seeking clarification to solve the difficult equation of how the world works, you come across the temptation to believe in the conspiratorial hypothesis that there are small human groups writing the destiny of the entire civilization, I am sorry to inform you, however brilliant and full of sense the idea may seem, you won't find any enlightenment there, at most you will find a little entertainment, but the kind you would find in a film that instills fear and intimidation in you.

Conspiracy theories may make sense, however, no matter how much power is concentrated in the hands of a few, it is still not enough to write the lines of civilization's destiny.

The destiny of civilization is a co-production between the human kingdom and the kingdom of Divine hierarchies, a book that is temporarily being written with the oblivion of how things work here, and, through this oblivion, convinced that our fundamental relationship with the Divine hierarchies is just a debatable hypothesis, lacking scientific evidence.

There is neither individual nor collective destiny for our humanity that can be clarified without the relationship with the Divine hierarchies.

The ingredients you need to live well are all out there, available, but scattered and mismatched. Your effort must consist of selecting the ingredients and combining them according to your desire.

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