Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Quiroga - 335


Gregorian date: 5/29/24

Star date: The Moon that wanes in Aquarius is Empty from 11:19 am until 9:34 pm, when it enters Pisces.

Inner life is the subjective experience that our consciousness manages, a condition that, for a humanity that boasts of having solved the mystery of philosophy through materialistic science, we do not evaluate for its real importance.

For the materialist civilization that decrees what is or is not real, only the objective, external experience is worth it, and we dedicate the overwhelming majority of our time to it, because, while we happen and make things happen, it seems to us that we experience everything we need.

Evidently this is not how things work, reality is not what we decree it to be, but what it is, despite our artificial attempts to cover the Sun with a sieve.

As a result, Empty Moons become challenging periods, because they privilege the subjectivity that we have become accustomed to treating as a secondary experience, a mere side effect of objectivity.

But, since you are here reading these lines, I recommend that during the Empty Moons you try to take a break from your desire for particular things to happen, because for your ventures to be successful, you need to increase your joy, well-being and lightness that circulates through your body and soul, and these are subjective conditions, interior postures independent of what happens.

During the Empty Moon, take care of your inner experience, it is a cosmic license to let go and look impartially at the supreme effort that it is to exist between heaven and earth, and give yourself a moment to rest without anxiety about having to deliver concrete results.

Concrete life is just a part of your existence, and it is not the best, subjective life is richer, and the Empty Moon privileges it.

There is no way to be sure in advance whether things will work out or not, but this should not become a reason for you to be tempted to give up on everything. Trust your bat and the mysteries of life, and move on.

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