Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Quiroga - 390

 Empty moon in the morning

Although the consciousness of our humanity is focused simultaneously, and all the time, on the subjective and objective dimensions of the Universe, current conviction makes us treat subjectivity as an experience that should not be taken seriously, because the most real reality only would happen in objectivity, in the world of forms, perceptible by the five sensory organs.

This abuse of subjectivity costs us horribly, because it is the noblest half of the perception of reality, and if we do not adopt the habit of valuing it, abstracting ourselves from the external life of objective forms, over time serious emotional and mental illnesses will occur.

All periods of the Empty Moon serve to return us to our inner life, and in it we give ourselves license to live carefree

The worst thing you can do in the face of setbacks is to cling to them to complain and lament. This would be a waste of time and precious vital energy that could be invested in overcoming setbacks.

Monday, July 22, 2024



Alien Invasion


5 Days To Faking a Cryptoterrestrial Invasion Webinar

Multiple former US Border Patrol agents have confirmed the open nature of the US Border and how the Biden Administration has been deliberately flooding the US with millions of illegal immigrants. A similar process has been happening in Europe due to the Deep State, which operates globally through organizations such as the Bilderberg Group and World Economic Forum. In addition to overflooding major US and European cities, and overwhelming social services, the wave of illegal immigrants creates general confusion and chaos.
A key reason for why the Deep State is doing this is to lay the groundwork for a major false flag event related to UFOs. The first references to staging a false flag alien event date back to the late 1960s, but technology's only recently been sufficiently developed to stage such a deception. Since 2017, UFOs have become a growing national security issue due to a surge in mainstream media and official interest in enigmatic UFO activity near major military bases in the US and around the world.
Not many are aware that since the 1970s, clones have been created in Deep Underground Military Bases. These clones can appear to be fully human or alien, and can be used for a variety of purposes, including military combat. UFO researchers have described these clones as Programmed Life Forms. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of clones/PLFs have been created in multiple underground bases that can be released immediately in the US and worldwide.
 When the Deep State issues the order to activate its clone armies, they can arise from underground locations to attack population centers. At the same time, Deep State assets among the millions of illegal immigrants will be activated, creating chaos, and overwhelming local law enforcement. Such attacks will quickly lead to perceptions of the US and other countries being under alien attack and lead to the implementation of Martial Law.
In my next webinar on July 27, I will give you multiple sources and evidence for the creation of clone/PLF armies in underground bases, historical plans for an alien false flag invasion, and why fake ‘cryptoterrestrials’ rather than ‘extraterrestrials’ will be used in staging such an event. The UFO phenomenon will feature prominently in such false flag attacks, thereby preempting any intervention by genuine extraterrestrials or cryptoterrestrials that want to assist surface humanity. The Deep State's plan is to prevent both genuine extraterrestrials and cryptoterrestrials from revealing themselves to humanity by staging a false flag event that taints both of these forms of Non-Human Intelligence and generates public fear and uncertainty.
Join me in my next webinar as I go into detail about what the Deep State is planning and how you can prepare for and prevent the success of such an elaborate deception.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

Date: July 27, 2024

Time: 11 am (PDT), 2 pm (EDT), 6 pm (GMT)

Length: 2.5 hours (includes 30 min Q&A)

Register fNow
Watch Webinar Trailer


 GESARA: Why It’s Happening and How It Affects You! GCR & QFS: Dinar’s Path to Profit – NESARA’s Vision for a Wealth-Distributed America.

The world’s financial system is on the cusp of a revolution, spearheaded by the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA). This is a complete overhaul aimed at rectifying decades, if not centuries, of financial imbalances and injustices.

At the forefront of this seismic shift is the introduction of gold-backed currency, a move that promises to stabilize and democratize global economies. This a leap into a future where money is tied to tangible value rather than the whims of central banks and political maneuvering. Alongside, we’re seeing the rollout of debt forgiveness and the beginnings of Universal Basic Income (UBI), initiatives that aim to level the playing field for billions.

But GESARA’s full impact is stalled, waiting on two major geopolitical shifts: the removal of Joe Biden from the presidency and the cessation of global conflicts, notably in Ukraine, the Gaza Strip, and Yemen. The claim that these political and military standoffs are not spontaneous but controlled, potentially orchestrated steps toward a larger goal.

Behind the scenes, the Global Currency Reset (GCR) is another puzzle piece. The revaluation of currencies, particularly the Iraqi dinar, hints at a massive economic reset. This is about redistributing wealth on an unprecedented scale. The claim that funds have already been deposited into QFS accounts for humanitarian projects adds layers to this narrative, suggesting that a new economic dawn is not just imminent but already taking shape in parts of the world.

The narrative being woven is clear: a shadow battle is being fought for the future of global finance. The Earth Alliance, a group purportedly at the helm of these changes, is positioned as the antithesis to the so-called Deep State, wrestling control from those who’ve long manipulated global economies for their gain.

The dramatic revaluation of the Iraqi dinar, shared with financial institutions worldwide, stands as a stark symbol of this shift. The message is that the days when a secretive elite could control the world’s wealth are numbered. Now, a new system, transparent and equitable, is rising, poised to offer a fair shot to every individual on the planet.

This is not just financial reform; it’s a wholesale financial revolution. The stakes are enormous, touching on every aspect of global power and economics. The promise of GESARA and the QFS is about reshaping the world order, breaking down the old guard’s hold on power and wealth, and ushering in a new era of fairness, prosperity, and peace for all.

How NESARA Could Change Everything Overnight!

Whispers of NESARA’s implementation grow louder, echoing through the corridors of power and the back alleys of the internet. The narrative, as complex as it is compelling, suggests a near future where the IRS, SSA, and the Federal Reserve are relics of the past, their existence wiped clean in a stroke of legislative genius, leaving behind a society unshackled from the burdens of taxes and levies.

Imagine, if you will, a morning where employers across the nation receive the memo: the last full pay period of the month marks the end of their obligations to withhold taxes from their employees’ paychecks. The implications are staggering, with 100% of wages flowing directly into the pockets of the workforce, save for the unavoidable deductions like union dues.

But the story doesn’t end with a simple cessation of tax collection. Employers, now holding funds that would have traditionally been earmarked for the government, are poised to redistribute this wealth directly to their employees.

This is a windfall, a “good bonus” that could fundamentally alter the employer-employee dynamic. The mechanics of this process are as revolutionary as they are complex, challenging the very foundations upon which our financial institutions are built.

In the midst of this seismic shift, a voice emerges, offering guidance, warnings, and a roadmap through the impending chaos. This voice, through numbered posts, serves as a beacon for those willing to look beyond the veil of conventional wisdom, urging readers to exercise discernment and caution in a world brimming with newfound wealth and potential deception. The advice is clear: the coming changes are not merely financial but existential, demanding a reevaluation of one’s values and aspirations.

The narrative takes a darker turn with hints of a deep state, a shadowy cabal whose machinations are threatened by the impending revelations. The suggestion that the author of these posts serves as both a herald of change and a decoy is a chilling reminder of the high stakes involved. The battle is not just over the control of wealth but the very soul of the nation.

Under the proposed changes, the very concept of personal wealth is redefined. The introduction of ‘Bearer Bonds’ and the activation of Treasury Direct Accounts (TDAs) are not just financial instruments; they are symbols of a new era of transparency and empowerment. But this empowerment comes with its own set of challenges.

The process of claiming these funds, involving a convoluted dance with banks, post offices, and notaries, is a test of patience and perseverance. It’s a system designed to weed out the uninitiated, leaving only those who can navigate this labyrinthine process to reap the rewards.

But let’s not overlook the broader societal implications of these changes. The abolition of ‘Qualified Immunity’ for police officers and the shift towards Common Law signify a profound transformation in the relationship between the state and its citizens.

In this new world, the veil of immunity that has long protected law enforcement officers from the consequences of their actions is torn away, exposing them to the same legal standards as the citizens they are sworn to protect.

This shift towards accountability is mirrored in the proposed financial reforms. The idea that individuals could be held personally responsible for the financial misdeeds of their institutions is revolutionary. It’s a concept that challenges the foundational principles of corporate and governmental immunity, suggesting a future where accountability is not just a principle but a practice.

In a world economy intricately linked by trade and finance, the shockwaves of such a profound shift in one nation’s economic policy could have unforeseen consequences on a global scale. The promise of prosperity and justice for one nation could spell turmoil and uncertainty for others.

In conclusion, the journey towards the realization of NESARA is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. It’s a path that promises to reshape the foundations of society, offering a vision of a future where justice and prosperity are within reach of every citizen. The promise of NESARA is a beacon of hope for many, but it is only through careful consideration and collective action that we can ensure this promise becomes a reality for all.

Source: https://gazetteller.com/the-gesara-effect-why-its-happening-and-how-it-affects-you-gcr-qfs-dinars-path-to-profit-nesaras-vision-for-a-wealth-distributed-america/

Quiroga - 389


I'm not surprised that our humanity normally chooses destructive paths for itself, in the economy, in politics, in its personal loves, because it is currency that, deep down, disappointed because life is not as wonderful as in its selfish and self-centered imagination, our humanity always expects the worst, as much as in some crooked and unconscious way he longs for the apocalypse, convinced that the human kingdom is a failure of nature (his own kingdom?!?!?!) that needs to be eradicated, and he also gets used to systematically distrusting of similar and different to reap the result of the dubious reputation of feeling alone, and I will no longer offer examples from the endless list of vices of our humanity.

Simultaneously with these selfish vices of our humanity, the virtues of humanization also flourish and take root; we are here to take care of each other, rather than treating each other as useless nuisances that need to be put aside as quickly as possible.

We are also here to accept and work on the principle that our differences are not irreconcilable, because no one has complete reason on their side, we all understand life within the limited scope of our intellect.

And we are also here to elevate our humanity to a level of dignity that, today, may seem unattainable to those who always expect the worst and hope for the apocalypse, but it is undeniable that the human kingdom has humanized itself quickly and in a very short time, pointing to a future very different from the disaster that would seem logical to happen.

Unity creates an unbeatable force, however, even if people know this, they still continue to behave as if they could do without each other. It's a madness that goes unnoticed.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


 The Silent Killer Above Us: Chemtrails Poisoning Our Crops and Water Supplies

Every day, thousands of planes crisscross the sky, leaving behind not mere contrails but toxic chemtrails – a deliberate, covert attack on our environment, our health, and our very existence. These chemtrails, loaded with deadly chemicals, are a weapon of mass destruction, aimed at decimating our food supplies, poisoning our water, and breaking our will.

Evidence of the Government’s Betrayal

Governments worldwide, in cahoots with shadowy elite organizations, are orchestrating this silent genocide.

Whistleblowers from the aviation industry and military insiders have come forward with shocking revelations: the chemtrails contain a lethal mix of aluminum, barium, strontium, and other neurotoxins.

These chemicals are designed to infiltrate every aspect of our lives, slowly killing us while the powers that be tighten their grip on the world’s resources.

The Decimation of Our Crops

Farmers from California to Kansas are witnessing their livelihoods destroyed. Joe Thompson, a third-generation farmer in Iowa, reports his once-thriving cornfields are now barren wastelands.

I’ve been farming for 40 years, and I’ve never seen anything like this,” says Thompson. “The soil is toxic. My crops won’t grow, and the ones that do are stunted and weak.

Independent lab tests reveal horrifying levels of aluminum in the soil – 50 times higher than what’s considered safe. These metals disrupt plant growth, rendering traditional farming methods useless.

Farmers are forced to purchase genetically modified seeds from giant corporations like Monsanto, which are designed to withstand this chemical onslaught, driving small farmers out of business and consolidating food production under corporate control.

Poisoned Water, Poisoned People

The devastation extends beyond the fields into our water supplies. Studies show that chemtrails’ toxic fallout contaminates rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers. The town of Pine Ridge, North Dakota, provides a chilling case study.

Residents began noticing a strange, metallic taste in their tap water. Shortly after, the town saw a spike in mysterious illnesses – unexplained rashes, respiratory issues, and neurological disorders.

Independent water tests revealed sky-high levels of barium and aluminum, mirroring the composition of chemtrail fallout. Dr. Sarah Williams, a local physician, has documented over 200 cases of sudden onset neurological disorders in Pine Ridge since the chemtrails intensified.

People are dying, and no one in power seems to care,” she laments. “This is a deliberate poisoning of our water, our bodies, and our future.

A Sinister Agenda

Why would governments engage in such monstrous behavior? The answer is terrifyingly simple: control. By sabotaging our food and water supplies, the elite can break our independence and force us into submission.

Sick, hungry, and desperate populations are easier to control. This is about creating a world where a select few hold all the power and resources, and the rest of us are mere slaves, dependent on their mercy for survival.

A Call to Arms

Stand with your local farmers, support clean water initiatives, and educate your community. This is a battle for our survival, and we must fight with every ounce of our being.

Spread the truth, prepare for resistance, and refuse to be a pawn in their genocidal game.

Chemtrails are not just a threat; they are an active assault on humanity. The time for complacency is over.

Rise up, resist, and reclaim our right to a healthy, free world. The silent killer above us must be stopped, and it starts with you.

Source: https://gazetteller.com/the-silent-killer-above-us-chemtrails-poisoning-our-crops-and-water-supplies/

World Situation

White Hats now own Blackrock = Blackrock owns Crowdstrike = Crowdstrike created the global Cyber Attacks = that will lead to a Global Financial Crash and subsequent destruction of the Cabal Fiat Dollar = in order to bring in the Global Currency Reset and take away the Deep State control of the Global Financial System = and thus give taxpayer dollars back to The People = White Hats Orchestrated the Global Outage = Trust The Plan.

· First White Hat took over The Fed, Then Twitter 1.0, Then Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and more.

· Forensic evidence showed there were three different rifles used in the Trump shooting.

· There are videos of a dark figure on top of Butler Water Tower, which many say was a second shooter.

· Klaus Schwab is gone.

· Most lawyers and judges are part of the Satanic System, part of the “club” They will disappear and be replaced by Military Justice

· At least eight million people have already been removed worldwide

· Executions have been recorded.

· The current Zelensky is an actor and has already been eliminated.

· Doctors who injected children with the bioweapon will be eliminated.

· Planning this operation took seventy years.

· It will take some time for people to trust that things have really changed and that there is no longer any danger.

· NOTE: The military expects 3 months for the “awakened” and more than 6 months for the remaining soulful people.

· The Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands is one of the biggest human trafficking places in the World. Top container shipping companies owned by the Elite Black Nobility: Evergreen, Cosco, CMA, Mearsk.

· Russian Forces Freed 50 Emaciated Children from Ukraine Adrenochrome Farm. ThePeoplesVoice – Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to dismantle the adrenochrome supply chain, as news emerged that Russian forces have freed 50 detained, emaciated children from an “adrenochrome farm” near Shostka, Ukraine. The children’s abductors reportedly drained their fragile young bodies of blood and adrenal fluid so many times that their survival depended on intravenous nutrition and a medically induced coma. This is a highly significant discovery by the Russian military that could change the course of history because Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global adrenochrome supply chain and punish those who commit crimes against children.

· Eustace Mullins already knew it: “Vaccination is really a time bomb”. He quoted a book a doctor has written in the year 1936: “I have never seen an unvaccinated person with cancer.” Other doctors said the same thing, that vaccines attack the immune system 5 years, 10 or 40 years later.

· “If you control the food, you control the people. That’s ultimately the end goal”. All around the world, unelected globalist bodies like the WEF and UN are waging war against farmers, in an attempt to seize control of the global food supply, under the banner of UN Agenda 2030—as detailed in a must-watch new documentary titled ‘No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs’?

Evidently the USA has been functioning under Martial Law since before the 2020 Election with Donald Trump as Commander-in-Chief over the US Military and “President Joe Biden” played by masked actors.

Joe Biden was said to have been arrested in 2021, tried for Treason and Pedophilia, found guilty and executed at GITMO. He has been played by actors ever since, mainly Arthur Roberts.

For many years the Chinese Communist Party (not the Chinese government, which was working to become a democracy) had been involved in a takeover of America.

That war culminated when just prior to the 2020 US Presidential Election, CCP bought Dominion Voting machines that in collusion with the Democratic Party, CIA and Vatican, threw millions of Trump votes to Biden.

A Military count of the water marked 2020 Election Ballots has confirmed that Trump won in every state but one with an over 80% win.

The CCP paid for, and the CIA developed Smartmatic Software and Dominion Voting Machines while conspiring with the Vatican, Italian Government and other communist parties to throw Trump votes to Biden in the 2020 Election.

Back in 2019 Biden knew the 2020 Election would be cooked and even said so in public, “We have put together the most comprehensive voter fraud organization in the history of politics and you guys did it for the Obama Administration also”: Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. 

Biden was so confident of the set up for 2020 Election fraud that he bragged that he didn’t need US citizen votes to get elected: Joe Biden Tells Voters “I Don’t Need You To Get Me Elected”.

Before the 2020 Election Ukraine Courts had ruled that Biden had stolen billions from their country.

Source: https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2024/07/judy-byington-un-redacted-white-hats-own-blackrock-blackrock-owns-crowdstrike-crowdstrike-created-recent-global-cyber-attacks-white-hats-orchestrated-outage-special-intel-report-72124-video-3817699.html

Quiroga - 388


If our humanity were a little more altruistic, replacing some of its traditional selfishness with respect, cordiality and dignity, then Full Moons would be full of rejoicing, because they are the moments when the most abundant life circulates throughout all the kingdoms of nature.

Selfishness, however, due to its petty nature, systematically and constantly tries to appropriate the most abundant life that passes through our humanity, and as a result of this misappropriation it causes distortions, violence and all types of sexual, moral, psychological and institutional abuses.

It turns out that the most abundant life cannot be accumulated, as selfishness intends, because it only offers its elevation and glory to those people who are minimally willing to transform themselves into channels of fraternal distribution, instead of selfish points of accumulation.

This point of mutation in the orientation of consciousness is within the reach of all people, but it does not reveal itself spontaneously, it needs to be sought, longed for and practiced until it stabilizes as a new and broader form of relationship with life.

No matter how complex the panorama that unfolds in front of you may seem, it is what your soul will need to deal with in the coming times. Therefore, arm yourself with presence of mind and place your bets in the game of life.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

World Situation

 ·         Timing of a pending Internet Shutdown and Ten to Twelve Days of communication Darkness throughout the World will be determined by a Quantum Computer’s analysis of the entire international situation. The Mainstream Media will close down while people will be asked to stay indoors to watch documentaries explaining what was going on. Meanwhile Military troops stationed across the Globe will arrest anyone who has cooperated with the New World Order and their creation of the Virus and Vaccines – an operation that could start any time this week.

Source: https://amg-news.com/bombshell-report-judy-byington-trust-the-plan-trump-does-my-fellow-americans-what-you-are-about-to-go-through-will-be-very-painful-restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-sat-20-july-2024/

Quiroga - 387


Selfishness is the obverse of our humanity, it is a brutal dehumanization that, on the reverse side, promotes civilization, but in the case of our kingdom this change of currency does not occur automatically, that is, it is not because we were born human that we humanize ourselves in a natural and spontaneous way, on the contrary, if left to inertia we give ourselves over to all types of brutal abominations, in thought, word and deed.

The humanization of our humanity, which establishes fraternal bonds of respect, cordiality, honesty, dignity and mutual solidarity, depends largely on becoming fed up with the charm that selfishness has, which attracts us to a joy that inexorably becomes suffering, and that, in the best case scenario, but with no guarantee of this happening, from suffering so much we realize the vulnerability of dehumanizing oneself.

Family, social and institutional humanization just doesn't happen because, despite suffering horrors, our humanity still clings to selfishness as if it were a lifeline, without realizing that it is an anchor.

Selfishness is a socially transmissible disease through severe moralism, intolerance, lack of respect, lack of care for each other and the lack of dignity in our family relationships.

Humanization is the promotion of the care we develop in relation to our similar and different people, protecting them within our reach.

Humanization is the principle of respect for being different, without our differences being irreconcilable.

Humanization is the construction and preservation of the dignity of all people.

Your soul will not be remembered for what you dreamed, but for what you dared to do, regardless of whether you failed, but at least you tried. Doing is the inescapable destiny of every human being born. Just that.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Quiroga - 386


Human selfishness treats those similar and different as objects that can be manipulated and used according to desires and whims, without caring about the consequences that fall on those who are victims of this treatment, who, of course, also practice their share of selfishness, because the selfish person thinks that through this behavior he is saved from the predation of others, placing himself above everyone, taking advantage, without realizing that he also becomes the object of other people's selfishness, in an abominable consensual relationship of abuse that goes unnoticed, because it is so normalized.

Selfishness dehumanizes our humanity, because it ignores the quality of subjects that we are or that we can be, considering that people are an object to be explored, just as is done with the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdom, and selfishness covers itself with moral arguments for these practices, creating, as a result, a civilization that is impossible to put on the path of humanization because the root selfishness is not treated as what it is, a disease.

Selfishness is a disease, but since it represents the majority tendency, it is still treated as something inevitable, which must be accepted within normality.

Selfishness is the disease that transgresses the three pillars of humanization, caring for each other, respecting our differences, and dignifying our kingdom between heaven and earth.

In the end, what matters is what has been done, so at some point you will have to suspend the joy of thoughts and dreams and dare to do something practical about them. That's what it will be worth.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Quantum Entanglement




If we can’t visualize it, we can’t create it. Conversely, when we CAN visualize it, we CAN create it.

Quantum entanglement is one of the most thought-provoking and counterintuitive ideas of modern physics. Two particles that are spatially well-separated in the spacetime network display a correlation among their properties and an act of measurement on one of the pairs can affect the other particle instantaneously despite the lack of a communication channel, which is remarkable and bizarre at the same time. Albert Einstein being a skeptic of the idea, referred to entanglement as “Spooky Action at a Distance” even though it was his work that led up to its realization. Entanglement has led to the development of numerous technologies that govern our modern world, like the creation of quantum bits, or qubits, that are essential for quantum computing. Furthermore, there has been a lot of advancement in large-scale quantum communication through satellites and entanglement plays a significant role in the same. In recent work, physicists for the first time have discovered a new way to expedite the process of entanglement creation. This recent breakthrough is a huge advancement for the realms of quantum information science and quantum technology. Not only does it open the possibility of applications in various other scientific domains, but it also holds the promise of pioneering the development of innovative quantum devices thus propelling this field to unprecedented heights. Read our article to learn more - 🔗spacefed.com/blog/faster-th