Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sugar and Cancer

 High blood sugar tied to increased cancer risk

Results of a study involving nearly 65,000 people point to an association between cancer and abnormally high blood sugar levels.

These results "have obvious implications for lifestyle guidance, as it is well known what factors cause blood glucose increases," Dr. Par Stattin from Umea University Medical Center, Sweden noted.

By avoiding excessive fat and other dietary risk factors, and by getting regular exercise, "you can decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes -- and cancer," he added.

Type 2 diabetes is associated with an increased risk of liver, pancreas, colon cancer, as well as other cancers, Stattin and colleagues note in the journal Diabetes Care. However, less is known about the effect on cancer risk associated with moderately elevated blood sugar levels among non-diabetic subjects.

To investigate further, the researchers examined data from 31,304 men and 33,293 women who participated in a larger study and had glucose (blood sugar) measurements available. In total 2,478 cases of cancer were identified in this group.

The total cancer risk increased with rising blood sugar levels. The relative risk of cancer was 26 percent higher with the highest fasting blood sugar compared with the lowest fasting blood sugar.

For men and women, high fasting glucose was significantly associated with an increased risk of cancer of the pancreas, endometrium, urinary tract and malignant melanoma.

These associations were independent of body weight.

These findings, the authors say, provide "further evidence for an association between abnormal glucose metabolism and cancer."

-Diabetes Care
 Dr. Keith and Laurie Nemec's comments on high blood pressure linked to increased cancer risks.
We will never stop stating this fact: as blood sugar goes up, blood sugar increases the risk of all pathogen formation and growth in the body which includes, bacteria, viruses, parasites, candida, fungi, and of course cancer cell formation. As this article stated, the total cancer risk increase with rising blood sugar levels. The relative risk of cancer is 26% higher with the highest fasting blood sugars compared to the lowest fasting blood sugars. What we have to understand is, the way we can be at the highest level of health and not have any pathogens or disease causing microbes or organisms in our body, including our own cells becoming malignant, and growing and forming colonies, which are tumors, and then spreading throughout the body as diagnosed cancer, the way we can prevent this is do not feed them. We will state it again. Do not feed them, and what do the pathogens eat? Sugar. They do not differentiate between sugar of cooked starches, refined sugar or fruit. Cancer eats sugar. Cancer cells eat sugar faster than any cell in the body, and the healthy cells that eat sugar the fastest in your body are your brain cells. Cancer cells eat sugar 2 ½ times faster than brain cells. So if you are putting any sugar in the body, whether it is a cooked starch, whether it is a refined sugar, even if it is fruit in higher amounts, that excessive sugar floating around in the blood will feed any cancer cells that are growing and allow them to grow in an accelerated rate. So the answer is starve everything. Eat a living/raw plant based diet, because when you eat vegetables in the uncooked form, they do not turn into sugar. Not the unhealthy sugar that feeds cancer formation and growth and pathogen formation and growth. But remember, to prevent cancer and all disease, it's not just about one factor, it is about 7 factors. We call them the 7 Basic Steps to Total Health which are:

1.    Air-- deep diaphragm breathing to oxygenate your body.
2.    Water--drink 32 ounces of distilled water per 50/lbs per body weight per day.
3.    Food--consume a diet of living/raw plant food which has the highest energy, bioelectricity, enzymes and bioavailable nutrient content to either maintain or restore your health.
4.    Sleep--sleep 9.5 hours with 3.5 of them before midnight.
5.    Exercise--exercise 30 minutes every day.
6.    Fasting--fast from the normal Standard American Diet (SAD).
7.    Prayer--take the time throughout your day to regularly still your mind so you can hear the voice of God spoken into your heart.

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