Thursday, July 06, 2023

Quiroga - 13


Your presence is not a lost and isolated ingredient in the infinite Universe, you dream and wish to come true because the Universe, that intelligent colossus in which you move and experience being, is capable of dreaming, knowing, desiring, acting and even synthesizing everything into a coherent unit, which is you, but which also extends to all who are similar and different, because it is characteristic of humanity that we are complete cosmic experiences.

We think of ourselves individually, because self-awareness enables us to think that way, but we are on the verge of taking a gigantic step and entering group consciousness, without losing sight of our individualities, but enriching them with what is greater than them. 

However, in this passage, and still attached to our individualities, we are clumsy like babies trying to drive sophisticated ships, and we literally play with cosmic fire when dreaming, wanting to accomplish and dedicating ourselves to it during the brief, however, intense existence.

Dreaming, imagining, desiring, knowing and realizing, all this is pure magic, the work of cosmogonic powers that we try to maneuver individually, but that we are unable to do so, if not as a group, collaborating with each other through the community spirit.

If, instead of personalizing the cosmogonic powers we wield, as if they were a private privilege, we consecrate our dreams and achievements to their true owners, that is, the Universe or the Divine, it is certain that we would also greatly improve our performance between heaven and earth. .

And even more, we will lighten the load we bear on our individual shoulders.

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