Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Quiroga - 19


If you spend all your time taking care of what you've conquered and preserving the proper functioning of the existential structure you've designed, when will you respond to the call to aspire to the noblest and most elevated things that make your heart burn with the desire to experience them, and launch yourself into the future with tenacity, constancy and trust? When?

This existence that you built is the fruit of your imagination, one day it was just an idea that, with time and your effort, was created and realized, and now the moment has come when, so well put together that it is, it has become a beautiful prison whose door is open, yet the prisoners do not leave it, a prison that dramatically reduces the margin needed to launch yourself into the future answering the call to conquer higher, broader and more auspicious ideals.

It happens that, now, your soul feels another call, your soul begins to have ideas, and in the face of this the fear is understandable, because your soul feels insecure, given the attachment it has developed to the current state of things, but, breathe with serenity, there is more abundant life to be lived, and what now seems a frightening abyss will gradually become a welcoming and throbbing plain.

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