Monday, July 10, 2023

Quiroga - 17



Breathe in the courage to fly high and the strength to resist the temptations of mediocre and banal desires, breathe to be able to aspire to the nobler and higher things, and apply them in practice with tenacity and constancy, accepting in your heart, with joy, the invitation that Life makes you so that your presence may be in communion with your glory.

Take a deep breath and when you breathe out, free yourself from the frailties, from the fear of your plans do not work out, frees you from the false modesty behind which you hide to avoid doing what you can, and breathe too to draw the Grace of Life from all lives, which gives you the strength to continue on the path that brings you closer eternally to the Divine.

Treat the perrengues who flog you with indifference, and move on guiding you towards good living, so that the influence that emanates from you make everyone you interact with feel comfortable.

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