Friday, August 04, 2023

Quiroga - 41



Think about it, what's the use of spending your time trying to catch up on your health to prolong your days, without your days being filled with meaning, full of Grace?

Use your time to live, because Life is that mystery that doesn't require you to understand it, you can live well without ever understanding what Life is.

And living is not existing or surviving, living is taking advantage of the magnificent instruments of perception, ideation, emotion, reaction and action that are under your management, to launch yourself into the adventure of putting your aspirations into practice, doing your part to invoke and promote the magical realism of Life, which responds gracefully to the most honest and sincere appeals that we make in the depths of our hearts.

Living without knowing what life is is not a problem, the problem is going through life without daring to live the ardor of the heart that proves to us that we are alive.

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