Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Quiroga - 66


The Universe in which we move and are is a complex network of Life in circulation and distribution, objectively, subjectively and consciously.

The imminence of the Full Moon alters the sleep cycle because a more intense flow of Life circulates through our physical and subjective organism.

If through an intentional uplifting effort, such as prayer or meditation, our consciousness offers a focus that matches that heightening, then the Full Moon is auspicious.

If not, its auspices suit what we offer to the currents of Life, which will manifest themselves through the trails that we build through our habits, which are repetition exercises, since these trails, due to the exercise itself, offer less resistance and the Circulating Life takes advantage of this, like liquid fire.

What is most exercised by us through habits, will be what Life will find to manifest.

Unfortunately, anxiety has been the most common exercise of our humanity. But, don't rush to try to fix anything now, because we are in the Full Moon, so this is not the time to try, hastily and anxiously, to change everything in one fell swoop, after all, it doesn't seem like a good idea to cure anxiety with anxiety.

However, since we are in this situation, talking here, I assure you that it is possible to take a little distance and, at the very least, see the ridiculous situations we get ourselves into, and how much we are transforming a hilarious comedy of errors, which is our day by day, in an unprecedented tragedy, without any need for it to be so.

Work on your habits and you will manage to have dominion over your own destiny.

If you dedicate yourself to worry, then you will certainly have worries, and if for these things in life, you dedicate yourself to anxiety, you will evidently have anxiety, but if for other things in life you dedicate yourself to thinking lovingly, you will have plenty of wise love at your disposal, and if you dedicate yourself to living well and radiating good living to everyone, you will inevitably have more life to live.

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