Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Quiroga - 257

 Too much effort

It would be great if we didn't have to work so hard to meet our material needs, and money simply appeared in our bank account to give us the power to achieve our desires. It would be great, but it would not be anything like our earthly existence, in which this condition is limited to some stroke of luck that we are blessed with, because the normal thing is that we have to work hard, in many different ways for money to appear in our account.

Even worse is when, to meet our financial needs, we submit ourselves to work that we don't enjoy, but which we dedicate ourselves to protesting, because it is the only consolation we have available.

The question that remains is, why are we capable of imagining realities that are not immediately within our reach?

When you realize that even simple everyday things present unusual problems, take a deep breath and remove yourself from normality, accepting that, perhaps, the best thing is to rest and be carefree.

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