Saturday, March 23, 2024

Quiroga - 268

 The whole

What image would result if you could draw the path of all the steps you took, from the time you learned to walk to here and now?

What music would result if your thoughts could be transformed into musical notes and you could hear the symphony performed by the set of ideas in which you involved yourself, consciously or unconsciously?

And if you could synthesize the tone of your words and their cadences, what song would you play? A waltz? Rock metal? Shades of melancholy?

It may be difficult for you to imagine all the little things you dedicate yourself to every day and all the time, but I can assure you that this is how Life measure you in which you move and experience being, not by the precise justifications of small arguments, but by the Whole.

The peace you want will not happen automatically and, perhaps, it will need a certain firmness on your part, an attitude that, in the eyes of others, will seem to contradict the peace you want, causing conflicts.

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