Saturday, April 13, 2024

Quiroga - 289

 Appropriation of work

Right under your nose, while you are entertained by so many “interesting” things that the images, sounds and texts offer you in profusion on your beautiful cell phone, the biggest scandal of appropriation of other people's work is underway, but you are not outraged by the situation, because your indignation is being manipulated by disinformation, which offers you entertainment so that you remain in it.

Artificial Intelligence performs the trick of taking advantage of everything that, with good will and in the form of entertainment and information, has been deposited on the Internet since it became popular, and offers you, as a result, something that is not produced by it, just manipulated by the magic of algorithm to make it look like something new and independent of humans, when in fact it is humans who produced it and will never be paid for it.

The past will be overcome, have this as a fundamental certainty, because it will not survive the influence that the future exerts on your current decisions. In practice, this means that it is wiser to bet on breaking with the past.

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