Sunday, April 14, 2024

Quiroga - 290

 Holy Family

What is familiar to you is what deserves the most attention from you, even if it is to avoid settling into distortions that attack human dignity and promote abuses of all types, because in every “good family” abuses and atrocities are committed, which are then reproduced automatically, with an air of normality.

The family continues to be the basic cell of society, everything that is horrible and luminous happens within it has, in many ways, been simmered within many families.

That's why the family is sacred, because of its power to generate civilization, but as we live in a time in which the sacred is systematically profaned, if because of these things in Life you don't want to participate in this circus, then it's worth dedicating more wise and loving understanding to family.

The sooner you dare to put an end to whatever is within your reach, the sooner you will enjoy the freedom available to launch yourself into the future, and receive all instructions from it. And that's so.

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