Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sugar and Cancer

 High blood sugar tied to increased cancer risk

Results of a study involving nearly 65,000 people point to an association between cancer and abnormally high blood sugar levels.

These results "have obvious implications for lifestyle guidance, as it is well known what factors cause blood glucose increases," Dr. Par Stattin from Umea University Medical Center, Sweden noted.

By avoiding excessive fat and other dietary risk factors, and by getting regular exercise, "you can decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes -- and cancer," he added.

Type 2 diabetes is associated with an increased risk of liver, pancreas, colon cancer, as well as other cancers, Stattin and colleagues note in the journal Diabetes Care. However, less is known about the effect on cancer risk associated with moderately elevated blood sugar levels among non-diabetic subjects.

To investigate further, the researchers examined data from 31,304 men and 33,293 women who participated in a larger study and had glucose (blood sugar) measurements available. In total 2,478 cases of cancer were identified in this group.

The total cancer risk increased with rising blood sugar levels. The relative risk of cancer was 26 percent higher with the highest fasting blood sugar compared with the lowest fasting blood sugar.

For men and women, high fasting glucose was significantly associated with an increased risk of cancer of the pancreas, endometrium, urinary tract and malignant melanoma.

These associations were independent of body weight.

These findings, the authors say, provide "further evidence for an association between abnormal glucose metabolism and cancer."

-Diabetes Care
 Dr. Keith and Laurie Nemec's comments on high blood pressure linked to increased cancer risks.
We will never stop stating this fact: as blood sugar goes up, blood sugar increases the risk of all pathogen formation and growth in the body which includes, bacteria, viruses, parasites, candida, fungi, and of course cancer cell formation. As this article stated, the total cancer risk increase with rising blood sugar levels. The relative risk of cancer is 26% higher with the highest fasting blood sugars compared to the lowest fasting blood sugars. What we have to understand is, the way we can be at the highest level of health and not have any pathogens or disease causing microbes or organisms in our body, including our own cells becoming malignant, and growing and forming colonies, which are tumors, and then spreading throughout the body as diagnosed cancer, the way we can prevent this is do not feed them. We will state it again. Do not feed them, and what do the pathogens eat? Sugar. They do not differentiate between sugar of cooked starches, refined sugar or fruit. Cancer eats sugar. Cancer cells eat sugar faster than any cell in the body, and the healthy cells that eat sugar the fastest in your body are your brain cells. Cancer cells eat sugar 2 ½ times faster than brain cells. So if you are putting any sugar in the body, whether it is a cooked starch, whether it is a refined sugar, even if it is fruit in higher amounts, that excessive sugar floating around in the blood will feed any cancer cells that are growing and allow them to grow in an accelerated rate. So the answer is starve everything. Eat a living/raw plant based diet, because when you eat vegetables in the uncooked form, they do not turn into sugar. Not the unhealthy sugar that feeds cancer formation and growth and pathogen formation and growth. But remember, to prevent cancer and all disease, it's not just about one factor, it is about 7 factors. We call them the 7 Basic Steps to Total Health which are:

1.    Air-- deep diaphragm breathing to oxygenate your body.
2.    Water--drink 32 ounces of distilled water per 50/lbs per body weight per day.
3.    Food--consume a diet of living/raw plant food which has the highest energy, bioelectricity, enzymes and bioavailable nutrient content to either maintain or restore your health.
4.    Sleep--sleep 9.5 hours with 3.5 of them before midnight.
5.    Exercise--exercise 30 minutes every day.
6.    Fasting--fast from the normal Standard American Diet (SAD).
7.    Prayer--take the time throughout your day to regularly still your mind so you can hear the voice of God spoken into your heart.

Quiroga - 367


The systematic lack of minimum comfort and security in everyday life leads to trauma, and traumatized people live scared and frightened, and trying to protect themselves from the traumatic state in which they exist, they become aggressive and hostile, even in situations where this behavior would be totally unnecessary.

It may seem obvious, and perhaps it is, but it never hurts to highlight what is obvious, because the obvious is also what normally goes unnoticed, and the obviousness in question concerns being able to allow ourselves, completely naturally, moments of serenity, using whatever artifice is necessary in this regard.

Comfort and security, we all need, but it is not essential to reach the limit of the traumatic condition to dedicate ourselves to meeting this need, we can insert an exercise every day whose objective brings us comfort, security, emotional support and consistency.

So, since it's Sunday, take some time to dedicate yourself, without false modesty, to rest in the name of acquiring a little more comfort and, thus, your soul feels safer between heaven and earth.

There are useful things and there are also useless things, but they all happen at the same time and, therefore, it would be better for you to make good use of your discernment to distinguish one from the other, in the name of not wasting time.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Quiroga - 366


We know intuitively that there is order behind the apparent chaos that we perceive, but it is impossible for us to explain what that order would be like and, thus, the chaos arguments always seem victorious, despite the ineffable certainty that there is order that intuition informs.

Your mind can surrender to the arguments of chaos and live accordingly, being a soldier of disorder, without caring about anything other than the dubious pleasure that the satisfaction of desires offers, however, once we perceive the ineffable order that we perceive, even if we don't know how to explain our perception, this does not make it non-existent nor can we go back, pretending that we do not understand what we perceive.

As a result, perception makes us responsible for demonstrating through our daily practice the ineffable intuition of order, and that, therefore, when our existences align with order, we also provide security and comfort to all the people who enter our circle of influence, and not only that, we also function as cosmic buffers for the thousands of people who, because they are convinced that everything is chaos, promote it with their attitudes.

The best way to behave is to allow spontaneity, not just your own, but also to create an environment in which people feel comfortable being themselves. This will be of great help to everyone.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Quiroga - 365


Pythagoras said, friendship is the only perfect relationship between human beings, because its dynamics contemplate the best for the people involved, without interests that unbalance the equation, because if there are interests and ulterior motives there would be no friendship, since the people would try to take for themselves more than they would offer.

Friendship is the attempt for the interests of the parties involved to find balance and harmony, because that is the objective of honest business and not of friendship.

Friendship is based on affinity and complementarity, without specific interests beyond the joy of disinterested support and with total detachment for the results.

It would be unfair to our humanity to say that this would be a utopian and non-existent condition, because there are people who are dedicated to offering the best of themselves in each and every relationship they get involved in, out of pure affinity, with no expectation of benefits from doing so, but as in our civilization, the addictive sport of seeing only the worst in human nature is promoted, good news never resonates.

Even though bad news is promoted and disseminated widely, because our humanity, by dedicating itself to the addicted sport of seeing the worst in our nature, becomes a great market for it, but this does not mean that abominations are the exclusive movement of our species.

Our humanity is also wise and loving, and struggles silently, behind the scenes, to ensure that the flow of Life in our lives continues to provide more abundant life to those who dare it.

Therefore, since you are here reading these lines, you need to know that if you are one of those wise and loving people who walk between heaven and earth radiating the truth of Life to all lives, that your presence is not lonely, we are millions.

It would seem that your destiny is in the hands of these people who, for now, decide the course of things. However, your soul is not devoid of resources to intervene and also be part of the decisions. Participate.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Quiroga - 364


Even if an Angel appears before you and tells you that in the center of your heart is everything you desire, all the power, charisma and beauty you dream of, you would still hardly dedicate your time to opening that door and discovering the spark of the Life of your life.

And this is so because your consciousness is seduced by the multiple diversity of the phenomenal world and systematically dedicates itself to appropriating it with the force of desires, without caring that the very act of dedicating itself to this experience is only possible because the Life of all lives burn in the center of the heart.

In other words, in practice we prefer to have fun with the effects rather than rejoice at the source.

Thus, ignoring the fact that the truth is other than what is normally considered to be true, and for the reason that, devoid of any truth that serves as support to navigate life within and outside, you will dedicate yourself with determination and consistency to believe only in the truths that are convenient for you, that is, only in those that confirm your previous conviction and nothing beyond.

 May everything be simple and light! Try to follow this guidance to deal with what is happening today, because if you start to let worries weigh on your conscience, the difficulties will increase.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024



9 Things That Will Happen To Your Body After Eating Two Eggs A Day

Aside from being a delicious and filling breakfast, eggs have some really great health benefits, which are often overlooked and questioned.

However, as released by Bright Side, these recent studies show the clear benefits of eating chicken eggs on a daily basis. Ideally, two to three eggs would be the perfect amount to eat to see these health benefits listed below.

1. Eggs change your brain

Illustration of the thought processes in the brain.

First, there will be an adjustment to the phospholipids in your brain. To make sure your brain cells have normal communication, they contain choline.

There have been clinical studies which have proven that this vitamin is the most crucial building material of the brain. If you eat two eggs a day, your body will get more of this nutrient. When people have choline deficiencies in their body, they usually get memory decreases.

2. Eggs help your eyesight

Close up of a blue human eye wearing a contact lens

Next, the new research has shown that eggs are high in lutein, a substance that is responsible for top-notch, clear eyesight. When people experience deficiencies, changes in eye tissue will happen, causing the tissue to accumulate, thus, eyesight will get worse.

3. Eggs are rich in vitamin D

Thirdly, eggs will provide you will a large amount of the fat-soluble secosteroid vitamin D. Vitamin D is also found in fish oil, which most people choose to take as a supplement with their main diets. However, eggs might be the better option because of the amount of vitamin D in eggs, and it will save you money since it will be a part of your normal diet and not a supplement.

4. Eggs will nourish your hair

Eggs will help your hair.

Eggs are loaded with biotin, vitamin B12 and digestible nourishing proteins which contribute to strengthening the hair and skin. Also, eggs have a lot of phospholipids which promote the elimination of toxins from the liver.

5. Eggs reduce cholesterol

Eggs reduce cholesterol.

Eggs are proven to have lots of cholesterol, which balance themselves with phosphatides, so it’s not too harmful to our health. This causes the body’s natural cholesterol production to be limited and lowered. Also, eggs have rich omega-3 acids that balance off triglyceride levels, which unquestionably help the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

6. Eggs can help you lose weight

It’s been scientifically proven that if you combine a low-calorie diet with chicken eggs for breakfast, you lose weight twice as fast. This is due to the fact that eggs allow you to feel less hungry throughout the day, thus decreasing the amount of food consumed.

7. Eggs may help reduce the risk of cancer

Eggs may reduce the risk of cancer.

Choline is known to reduce the risk of cancer. According to one study, for women who put eggs into their daily diet, the risk of developing breast cancer decreased by 18 percent.

8. Eggs are rich in B vitamins

Eggs contain vitamins which help create hormones.

B vitamins help with the creation of sex hormones. One of the B vitamins, known as folic acid, can help red blood cells and assist with the neural tube of the fetus when it’s formed. Thus, the risks associated with a child’s possible mental retardation are reduced. Also worthy to point out, this is the reason that B9 is so important for women to be eating while during pregnancy. One egg has 7.0 mcg of the vitamin.

9. Eggs may improve skin

Also worth pointing out from the research is that in 87 percent of women from the ages of 35 to 40, age spots disappeared and skin lifted after eating eggs on a daily basis. In men, wrinkles around the eyes went down dramatically.

Quiroga - 363


Justice, we all want, but in general we call for it only when we are victims of the system's distortions, or the selfish exaggerations that people commit with an air of naturalness, however, we have difficulty in behaving systematically to promote the common good, which is the only and real form of justice.

Justice is not an individual good, justice is social, it is a common good, and although we are indignant when we are personally affected by ignominy, we rarely behave promoting social justice.

If we acted with righteousness and integrity even in the smallest details of everyday life, we would promote the common good and, although we would not fix the selfish world in which we exist, we certainly make a huge difference in the circle of influence that we build with our presence.

The active principle of righteousness, by its very nature, is never selfish, but oriented toward social justice, toward the benefit of as many human beings as possible at all times.

This is the only justice that, in the end, ends up benefiting us personally as well.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Quiroga - 362


At best, the good education that is offered to us within our families or in schools prepares us to be cordial, kind and honest in our dealings with people, but although these formalities are positive and contribute to the preservation of peace in the society, at the heart of good education lies the construction and consolidation of selfishness as a normal attitude (there are foolish scientists who claim that there is a gene for selfishness) so that, throughout our existence, we appropriate everything that we consider our worth, or furthermore, because of the envy we feel, we also want to appropriate what we do not deserve.

And so we go through life and within, navigating selfishness, we are the Egonauts, but despite the normalization of what, from the point of view of universal functioning, is an aberration, we also experience moments in which our root selfishness is put to the test, and that happens when we decide to build an intimate relationship with someone, because either this construction is done between selfish people who make a kind of geopolitical pact to live together territorially, or selfishness is discovered as a major obstacle to building the relationship, which promotes the impulse of growing beyond ourselves, entering the unknown terrain of love, which provokes all kinds of fear in us because it threatens the sanctity of our self-centeredness.

It is possible to conceptualize love in different ways, however, there will always be something in common in all forms of loving, and that something is, definitely, the impulse to transcend root selfishness, in addition to enduring with presence of mind the sway that this causes temporarily.

That's right, in the face of everything happening suddenly and at the same time, the soul is shocked and reacts by wanting to handle everything. However, this is not the best attitude, it is best to take small steps. Little and good deed.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Anti-Aging Grounding




The Truth about Watermelons…and Benefits

By: Catherine Ebeling 
Co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning KitchenThe Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix

Nothing says “Summer” better than a cool, refreshing, sweet, juicy, delicious slice of ripe watermelon—no matter what time of year it is. But I often hear cautions on eating watermelon—that it is high glycemic, full of sugar, mostly water, not very nutritious, etc.

Right? Or wrong?

While watermelons are mostly water—90% or so, they are also full of vitamins A, B6, C, lycopene, antioxidants and minerals. Remember hearing about the lycopene in tomatoes? Watermelon, another red-colored fruit, is FULL of this powerful phytonutrient! In fact, watermelon has some of the highest levels of lycopene of all fruits and veggies. Just one cup of watermelon has 1 and a half times the lycopene of a large fresh tomato. And who eats just one cup of watermelon? I know I don’t!

Because watermelon is one of the best sources of lycopene with more than 6,500 micrograms in less than half a cup, you are getting an army’s worth of inflammation-fighting antioxidant activity! Lycopene from the red flesh of watermelon is very stable, even after the watermelon has been cut and stored in the refrigerator. Lycopene is thought to be even more powerful than its other orange/red colored ally, beta carotene—found in red and orange fruits and veggies.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Lycopene is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, valued for its role in protecting the cardiovascular system, bone health, and preventing cancer. Along with lycopene, watermelons contain another powerful phytochemical, citrulline, an amino acid. Citrulline gets converted into another important chemical in the body, arginine, or L-arginine. Arginine is used to create nitric oxide, which has powerful benefits on the heart and blood vessels. NO can actually cause blood vessels to relax and open up, lowering blood pressure and helping the body carry more oxygen to parts of the body where it is needed–like muscles, your heart and your brain. A study from Florida State University found that watermelon could make a significant difference in lowering blood pressure–especially in overweight people, by relaxing the blood vessel walls.

Citrulline, when it converts into arginine, can also help prevent excess accumulation of fat in fat cells, because it blocks an enzyme that stores this fat. And because citrulline is a precursor to nitric oxide, it can also help improve erectile dysfunction in men, in a similar way that Viagra works—although you would have to quite a bit of watermelon to get the same effect as Viagra.

As you can see in this article, watermelons are on the list of foods that beat statins for heart health!


It’s All About the Lycopene

Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants, capable of destroying free radicals which attack our bodies and can contribute to chronic disease and aging. In one study of 13,000 adult Americans, low levels of carotenoids were a key predictor of early death. Especially low blood levels of lycopene! Lycopene protects our cardiovascular system, the male reproductive system, and in the skin, it protects and prevents UV damage from the sun.

Several studies have been conducted showing the strong link between levels of lycopene and heart disease. Analyses from the Physicians Health Study showed a 39% decrease in stroke risk in men with the highest blood levels of lycopene. Another study in Finland following 1,000 men for 12 years has had similar results as well.

Lycopene is also responsible for limiting the enzyme responsible for making cholesterol, so eating foods with more lycopene also helps to reduce cholesterol—specifically, LDL cholesterol.  (Side note:  speaking of heart health, did you know that grass fed dairy fat actually contains nutrients that help unclog your arteries)

Anti-Cancer Power

Lycopene is a life-saver in more ways than one! Besides its cardiovascular benefits, lycopene’s antioxidant power extends to anti-cancer effects as well. A 2014 meta-analysis of 10 studies shows dietary lycopene to be protective against ovarian cancers, as well as brain tumors and breast tumors.

And of course, we know about lycopene’s value in fighting prostate cancer. In several studies, higher intakes of foods containing lycopene and a higher serum or plasma concentration of lycopene was associated with a very significant decreased risk of prostate cancer—especially the more lethal kind of prostate cancer. When researchers studied only the men who had had at least one high risk PSA test, the subjects had a 50% decreased risk of lethal prostate cancer.

“Based on these results, we hypothesize that the consumption of a diet rich in lycopene-containing foods reduces the aggressive potential of prostate cancer by inhibiting the neoangiogenesis that occurs in tumor development,” Dr. Giovannucci’s team reported online ahead of print in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.”

Other studies have shown lycopene’s powerful cancer fighting ability effective against lung cancer, esophageal, stomach, pancreatic, colorectal, and cervical cancers as well.

Extremely Good for Rehydration

Watermelons get their name because they are over 90% water, and that water is full of electrolytes and potassium which helps you stay hydrated or to rehydrate. The perfect fruit to eat on hot summer days, or after a hard, sweaty workout! And that delicious juice can also help prevent muscle soreness—especially if you have watermelon before your intense workout.

Its Not Just the Red Part

While most of us only eat the juicy red flesh of the watermelon, the whole thing is actually edible and chock full of nutrients! From the red center to the stem end, and also the blossom end–including the white part near the rind–are a plethora of impressive antioxidants, flavonoids, lycopene, and vitamin C. Even the green rind is full of nutrients. The rind is full of chlorophyll, and contains even more citrulline than the red flesh. Try throwing your watermelon rinds into the blender with fresh squeezed lime juice for a healthy slushy treat.

It is still best, however, to pick ripest, reddest watermelon you can find. Lycopene content continues to increase all the way up until the time the watermelon is at its reddest and ripest.

And don’t spit out those seeds, unless you are in a watermelon seed-spitting contest! The black watermelon seeds are not only edible, but actually extremely good for you. They are full of iron, zinc, fiber and protein. Seedless watermelons are ok to eat too—they are not genetically modified, only hybrid forms of watermelon bred especially for their no-seed content.

Watermelons also are rich in anti-inflammatory substances including cucurbitacin E, tripterpenoid which help to block the pain and inflammation of certain enzymes, in a similar fashion as NSAID’s like ibuprofen and aspirin.

While being very low in calories (only about 46 calories in a cup), watermelon also contains an impressive variety of other important essential nutrients including:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium

The Age Old Question—How Do You Pick the Perfect Watermelon?

It can be a huge gamble finding the perfect, red, sweet watermelon. But—if you know what to look for, there is a real method to finding the best one. Look on the underside of the watermelon for a pale, butter-colored yellow spot—not white or green. This is one of the best indicators of the ripeness of the watermelon. Also pick up a few and choose the one that is heaviest for its size. Many people ‘thump’ the watermelon to check its ripeness too—listen for the best hollow bass sound.

Be aware that watermelons do contain a reasonable quantity of fructose, so be mindful of your sugar intake, and eat watermelon in moderation.  With that said, because watermelons are so filling, and have both high water content AND high fiber content, the old myth that watermelons are high glycemic is not entirely true… This is because the “glycemic load” of a watermelon is actually fairly low since it’s nearly impossible to overeat large quantities of a food that is as filling as watermelon.

So enjoy your watermelon, knowing you’re doing your body good!  Also try my friend Danette’s watermelon & lime juice drink here!

Charnow, (Feb 2014). Lycopene May Decrease Prostate Cancer Risk. Retrieved from
Figueroa, Wong, Kalfon. (2014). Effects of Watermelon Supplementation on Aortic Hemodynamic Responses to the Cold Pressor Test in Obese Hypertensive Adults. American Journal of Hypertension, 2014; DOI: 10.1093/ajh/hpt295
Furhrman, J., MD. How Tomatoes Can Protect You Against Heart Attack and Stroke. Retrieved from
Hak AE, Ma J, Powell CB, et al. (2004). Prospective study of plasma carotenoids and tocopherols in relation to risk of ischemic stroke. Stroke 2004; 35:1584-1588.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. (Feb 1999). Tomatoes, Tomato-Based Products, Lycopene, and Cancer: Review of the Epidemiologic Literature. Retrieved from
Karppi J, Laukkanen JA, Sivenius J, et al. (2012). Serum lycopene decreases the risk of stroke in men: A population-based follow-up study. Neurology 2012; 79:1540-1547.
Karppi J, Laukkanen JA, Makikallio TH, et al. (2011). Low serum lycopene and beta-carotene increase risk of acute myocardial infarction in men. Eur J Public Health 2011.
Mateljan, G. World’s Healthiest Foods. Retrieved from
Mercola, J., DO. (2014). 6 things you didn’t know about watermelon. Retrieved from
Szalay,J. (October, 2014). Watermelon: Health Benefits, Risks & Nutrition Facts. Retrieved from
Shardell MD, Alley DE, Hicks GE, et al. Low-serum carotenoid concentrations and carotenoid interactions predict mortality in US adults: the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Nutr Res 2011; 31:178-189.