Monday, June 03, 2024

Quiroga - 340


The arguments you use to worry you may even be legitimate and consistent, but they don't help you move forward, on the contrary, they tie you to conditions that become consolidated and become dense, they become integrated into your identity, but this happens despite there being more dynamic alternatives that could help you get out of the plot.

But let's put our hand on our heart and confess to ourselves that we trust more that everything is against us in a wrong world of wrong people, than we trust in the Divine Grace by which we live, in which we live, move and experience being.

We trust more in the fear that the arguments of our suffering will lose meaning, than in the joy of surrendering ourselves to the gracious arms of the Life of our lives.

It is common (it happens in all families) that our humanity punishes itself by tying itself to anchors that sink it, clinging to the sad conviction that these serve as a lifeline to stay on the surface.

Therefore, question your concerns, disintegrate this harmful idyll that you preserve with the arguments that sink you, and dedicate yourself to doing something dynamic to put into motion the alternatives that present themselves all the time.

Instead of spending your time flirting with anxiety, launch yourself into the dynamic future with enthusiasm and boldness.

The only thing, just one thing, that you will lose with this attitude is fear.

Despite the setbacks and the scares, and the feeling that everything is going to the precipice, you will see that life is immensely bigger than your apocalyptic premonitions, and that it, life, always finds a way.

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