Thursday, June 06, 2024

Quiroga - 343


The mind is such a sophisticated organ of perception that, without having the dexterity to use it, we experience it as a dimension in which most of the time we are lost, thinking, but without knowing who thinks the thoughts, whether they are thought alone or whether there is, perhaps, an inner being that we identify as the thinker.

It seems that we will suffer from this distortion for generations to come, but since we are talking about it here and now, it means that we are investigating ways to, if not find ourselves, at least not live in absolute perdition.

And from the investigations the perspective emerges that, if we verbalize our intentions clearly and sincerely, without hiding anything from our own souls, nor hiding within the labyrinth of the mind, at least we will not make the same mistakes repeatedly, without leaving the place, and on top of that, sincerity will help us achieve our aspirations, in addition to providing us with enough good humor to laugh at the messes we make while adding walls and meanders to the labyrinth, and this good humor, this sharp irony that sees the ridiculousness of our suffering , would save us long hours of therapy.

The confession of our purposes does not need to be offered to anyone, in fact, it is better to avoid, for now, bringing anyone into our labyrinth, because people, willingly or unwillingly, would make guesses and this would only add complications to the moment.

The clear and sincere verbalization of our confessions must be directed to our own mind, to replace complaining thoughts and get to know ourselves better, as well as recognizing what kind of path we are building between heaven and earth, since everything that can be verbalized finds, sooner or later, a way to manifest itself.

You will get what you want, the question is not that, but the price your soul is willing to pay in the name of the results. This is the question you need to answer with your hand on your heart, with complete sincerity.

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