Sunday, June 16, 2024

Quiroga - 353


We can agree or disagree, but there are things that happen with total indifference to our likes and dislikes, as is the case with new generations presenting a lack of gender definition.

Those who disagree argue that gender is defined by chromosomes, and in cases, which are not few, where there is no such definition, the person in question becomes considered an abomination. It turns out that there are currently more than one hundred and fifty million “genetic aberrations” in existence, and the scientific argument about what should or should not be normal has led to several genocides throughout history.

There are, on the other hand and with the same passionate fervor, those who agree with the lack of definition of genders, arguing that identity is a social construction and that, therefore, it would be subject to change, but this agreement is ideological, that is, it does not defends the lack of definition of real genders, it only uses it as an instrument of political maneuver, in addition, the definition of sexual identity cannot be an intimate decision, because, imagine if I decided to be a giraffe, it is certain that my decision would not make the giraffes adopted me as one of their own.

However, even within the confusion and heated controversy that the topic promotes, one thing is certain: we have reached the moment when our humanity refuses to be identified exclusively by genetics, and this has an inestimable value, because it opposes the abuse that the Materialist scientism has imposed on humanity, excluding the subjective soul from reality, since, as its existence cannot and will never be proven with scientific methods, it is concluded that it does not exist.

Well, whether we like what we see or not, the new generations still decide their identities independently of genetics, as part of the necessary revolt against this oppression.

If each and every day you do something, even if small, in the name of making environments and relationships more harmonious and beautiful, rest assured that, in a few months, you will have built a magnificent environment.

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