Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Quiroga - 355


Not infrequently, when you make demands and want the reality that concerns you to be the same as your highest ideals, you will hear the sensible advice not to seek perfection in anything, because this would not exist or would not be within the reach of our humanity, and to avoid frustrations and painful disappointments, it would be better to conform to what is possible to achieve, an adequate behavior, but which tends towards mediocrity.

However, and to the horror of those who cling to the conviction that it is preferable to avoid the pretension of perfection, perfection is within the reach of any human being, firstly because if the word exists there is a concept that endorses it, and if there is a concept and the articulation of its verb is because some human being experienced it at some point, and if a human being experiences it that means we all can, because our kingdom is not a conglomerate of disconnected individualities, it is a telepathic cosmic organism.

Integrating this perception and, even if temporarily, washing our soul of the temptation to be mediocre, we realize that there is no advantage in settling for less than we idealize just to avoid suffering, because in one way or another, we will all suffer from limitations that existence imposes on us.

We all suffer, mediocre and heroic, suffering is inevitable, because even though the cliché says “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional”, in practice we know that, whether we like it or not, we all suffer, and if there is any option available, it is not that of not suffering, but of the intensity and extent of suffering.

So, it's not about whether we suffer or not, but about how much we dare to bet on the ideals that burn within us and consecrate our existences to transcending imperfect limitations and communing with the Perfect Infinity.

You have no true commitment to the facts to stick to a tiny part of concrete reality, your true commitment is to the visions that make your heart burn with the desire to realize them. That's all that matters.

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