Friday, June 28, 2024

Quiroga - 365


Pythagoras said, friendship is the only perfect relationship between human beings, because its dynamics contemplate the best for the people involved, without interests that unbalance the equation, because if there are interests and ulterior motives there would be no friendship, since the people would try to take for themselves more than they would offer.

Friendship is the attempt for the interests of the parties involved to find balance and harmony, because that is the objective of honest business and not of friendship.

Friendship is based on affinity and complementarity, without specific interests beyond the joy of disinterested support and with total detachment for the results.

It would be unfair to our humanity to say that this would be a utopian and non-existent condition, because there are people who are dedicated to offering the best of themselves in each and every relationship they get involved in, out of pure affinity, with no expectation of benefits from doing so, but as in our civilization, the addictive sport of seeing only the worst in human nature is promoted, good news never resonates.

Even though bad news is promoted and disseminated widely, because our humanity, by dedicating itself to the addicted sport of seeing the worst in our nature, becomes a great market for it, but this does not mean that abominations are the exclusive movement of our species.

Our humanity is also wise and loving, and struggles silently, behind the scenes, to ensure that the flow of Life in our lives continues to provide more abundant life to those who dare it.

Therefore, since you are here reading these lines, you need to know that if you are one of those wise and loving people who walk between heaven and earth radiating the truth of Life to all lives, that your presence is not lonely, we are millions.

It would seem that your destiny is in the hands of these people who, for now, decide the course of things. However, your soul is not devoid of resources to intervene and also be part of the decisions. Participate.

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