Sunday, June 02, 2024

Vision and Reality

"Our physical eyes were made to see physical objects. Our physical eyes are blind to observe invisible objects, but which cause visible physical effects, such as electricity, wind, love and hate. Everything that is visible is sustained by an invisible energy"

Can anyone suffer more from a broken leg or a broken heart? A broken heart can leave scars that never heal. The suffering can be so intense that many have died from it. However, you cannot see a broken heart, touch it or even describe it. But is the broken leg more real because it is more tangible than the broken heart? Not for those who have suffered from a broken heart, although eyes have never beheld a trembling and broken heart, nor hands have touched it.

The most real things in our lives are food, clothing, transportation, and shelter. Let's take them one by one and put each one through the durability test.

What did you have for dinner two weeks ago? That meal was a very important thing, but you probably can't remember anything you ate no matter how hard you try. The thousands of meals consumed by each individual are the most important things in our memories after eating and digesting them. Of course we still crave more meals; but they will also join those of the forgotten past - realities that have become only vague dreams of intangible memories.

Clothes last longer than food; it is as vital as food. We like to dress beautifully, as much as we like to eat. But, after some time, the clothes finally end up in the incinerator, or as cleaning rags, taking their place among the dead, forgotten elements of the things that are gone.

Shall we take a car next? He is certainly practical. It is one of the most substantial things one could imagine in these days of practicality. Within ten years it will become "such a hideous thing" that the family, ashamed, will refuse to ride in it. Eventually, he is dragged to the car graveyard, and there is no one to mourn his death.

The next most vital thing in man's life is his shelter. He will be able to work and save all his days to buy the house that will satisfy his heart's desires. The most beautiful houses of the past are the favelas of the present.

Therefore, these practical things, to which man becomes substantially attached throughout his life, are fleeting and transitory things. And if we think deeply, the question arises: how real are our realities?

All the tangible things of the earth are best understood with the scripture quote, “And it came to pass.” The war, the famine, the storm came – passed – and life went on again.

Are all things then fleeting and transitory? Are all these practical and substantial things, with which we deal and depend, just dreams of a night vision? Is there nothing vital or lasting in life?

Can anyone suffer more from a broken heart or a broken leg? One is physical, the other mental. Is it possible that the things we cannot see or touch are more powerful and lasting than the tangible things that our eyes behold?

[to be continued]

Source consulted: Annalee Skarin, "Ye Are Gods", DeVorss Publications, 1998. ISBN: 0-87516-718-7.

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