Sunday, June 02, 2024

Quiroga - 339


Planet Earth is of unparalleled richness in our solar system and our humanity recognizes this condition, but since it still insists on seeking its identity by mirroring the wild world of animals, we behave as if we had to compete among ourselves, as individuals and nations, to enjoy riches and, as a result of this mistaken conviction, we armed ourselves to the teeth to intimidate “others”, because there would not be enough for everyone.

In this way, despite inhabiting a planet incomparably full of material and spiritual riches, no one can be truly rich, on the contrary, we are all miserable, because even materially privileged people and nations are forced to live in fear of losing what they have achieved, because they did so by intimidating “others”, and they know that at any moment they will be the ones being intimidated.

It is undeniable that a part of us is wild and competitive, but our wealth is not there, it is found in the other part of us that is capable of perceiving the interdependence of everything and everyone and living reality with intensity, because wealth is not based on accumulation, but on the free and unimpeded circulation of resources, so that everything and everyone can enjoy them according to real need.

Maintain the clarity that allows your soul to remain confident, despite there being no rational arguments for this, quite the opposite. It's not about rationality, but about integrating yourself into the mystery.

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