Saturday, June 08, 2024

Quiroga - 345


Make the most of and enjoy every light moment, every laugh possible, make good use of the opportunities to infect yourself with someone's good humor, and also to radiate good humor to all the people you have to deal with, so that they too benefit from it.

The world is dense enough that we continue to add weight to everything that happens to us, giving moralistic sermons with our fingers raised to everyone we come into contact with, making it seem like they only do wrong things, when in fact, in the same way with what happens to ourselves, we all, without exception, do what we can, and what we can is not always what we want.

Good humor is the most efficient manifestation of resistance against everything and everyone that intends to bring us down, because, after all, everything that, seen up close seems tragic, appears ridiculous from afar and encourages good humor.

Good humor is revolutionary. May you have a good laugh today to break up the dense web of your anguish!

If you could have absolute control over your destiny, would you have enough wisdom to manage the situation? Even if you imagine so, life will always be bigger than your ability to understand it. It's destiny.

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